Through the fog of all that feni it is beginning to
dawn on me that we may be on the same page.  However,
while you are looking at the entire problem, I have
chosen to prioritize in order to focus and make some
identifiable progress.

While I abhor any and all forms of discrimination
based on color, caste and creed, the reason I focus on
Catholic Goans is that it is this community in which I
have membership and standing, and it is where I choose
to take a stand.  Furthermore, the caste system is at
odds with the teachings of Christ and Christianity,
whereas it is an integral part of the Hindu way of
life.  Thus, while I may abhor and denounce casteism
among Hindus, I choose to leave it up to our Hindu
coleagues like Santosh Helekar and Radhakrishnan Nair,
who are eminently capable polemicists, to deal with
their casteism.  As you have seen, we have a big
enough task to stamp out this insidious and
destructive system in our own community.

A recent lengthy post by one of our Hindu Goanetters
described the opinions of some Catholic priest who
advanced the amazing opinion that Dalits need to
maintain their "unique" identity and need not become
more like Chardos or Brahmins.  In my opinion this
"politically correct" priest has the bull by the tail.
 What we should be stamping out is precisely all such
identities, not just the Dalits, but the Chardos and
Brahmins and any other caste as well.  The initial
goal should be for all Catholic Goans to be just that,
Catholic Goans, no better or worse than any other
Catholics or anyone else for that matter.  That should
be our primary sequential goal rather that trying to
find some self-esteem in being a micro-sub-set of this

Once we Catholic Goans can claim to have substantially
cleaned our own house of this blight and made it an
unacceptable practice, then we will have earned the
moral capital to browbeat the Mangaloreans, Keralites
and finally the Hindus, where all this nonsense began
thousands of years ago, into changing.

--- "Teotonio R. de Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear Mario,
> I am with you all the way, but I prefer that we act
> with "full" knowledge of
> the ugly reality, not moving with blinkers on. I
> would not also be so
> exclusivist as you seem to be  in restricting these
> efforts to Catholic
> Goans! What kind of faith in humanity are you
> referring to? Self-centered
> Christiniaty is a contradiction in terms. Do not the
> Hindu brethren deserve
> the same benefits? What we need is a truly secular
> approach. The
> Christianity in Goa or elsewhere has not taken us
> very far in ending
> inequalities, either of caste or others. May be it
> has ended some to invent
> others in the larger world.
> With best wishes to you in your tanning programme.
> Teotonio R. de Souza
> Mario Goveia
> Mon, 28 Feb 2005 00:25:26 -0800
> I am trying hard to work on my tan in Goa, Pune and
> Mumbai, and to make a dent in the total inventory of
> caju feni, cafreal, sorpotel and sannas, only to
> have
> my pleasant experiences tarnished by the continued
> attempt by a couple of Goanetters to obfuscate,
> deflect and dilute the diabolical issue of caste
> among
> Cahtholic Goans with the most disingenious bovine
> excrement I have seen in a long time.
> However, it has restored my faith in humanity that
> every Catholic Goanetter who mercilessly beat me
> verbally across the head and shoulders when I was
> defending the attempt to provide freedom and
> democracy
> for downtrodden Iraqis, like Jose, Cornel, Sib,
> George, Gabriel, et. al. agree with me 100% on the
> issue of providing freedom for all Catholic Goans
> from
> the diabolical and psychologically destructive caste
> system.

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