Dear Mario / Basilio,

Perhaps I should not have joined  both in the same reply, because you both
have very different points of view and strategies. But I am joining the two
precisely because of that. Mario wants to handle the problem of the
Catholics first, and leave it to Santosh, Radhakrishnan Nair, etc to solve
the problem of their Hindu community. But I believe and agree with Basilio
that we have a common inheritance and the two communities still live in the
same house that we call Goa, day-in and day-out! It is truly a challenge to
look at it as "our common problem" and tackle it together. Catholic 
paroquial" approach appears to me as doomed from the start.

My second point of disagreement with Mario is his language and repeated
expression "driving stake in the heart". From the Catholic Inquisition that
burnt persons at stake, have we now progressed to this new phase of Catholic
violence? Luckily for Christ he was not a Christian, nor a Catholic! These
are post-Christ inventions. Christ“s strategy is presented more truthfully
by Basilio in the last three lines of his posting below. Christ preferred to
expose his nakedness and to be nailed on the cross. That is where lies the
power of his ressurection, not in the stakes invented by Catholic

Teotonio R. de Souza


Mon, 28 Feb 2005 19:10:27 -0800


Through the fog of all that feni it is beginning to

dawn on me that we may be on the same page.  However,

while you are looking at the entire problem, I have

chosen to prioritize in order to focus and make some

identifiable progress.

While I abhor any and all forms of discrimination

based on color, caste and creed, the reason I focus on

Catholic Goans is that it is this community in which I

have membership and standing, and it is where I choose

to take a stand.  Furthermore, the caste system is at

odds with the teachings of Christ and Christianity,

whereas it is an integral part of the Hindu way of

life.  Thus, while I may abhor and denounce casteism

among Hindus, I choose to leave it up to our Hindu

coleagues like Santosh Helekar and Radhakrishnan Nair,

who are eminently capable polemicists, to deal with

their casteism.  As you have seen, we have a big

enough task to stamp out this insidious and

destructive system in our own community.

Mario Govea


Three Cheers to the activists! More power to them!

But do not demonize those who may ask the activists to show their cards.

There are some disgruntled individuals who have taken up the cause of

³fighting caste.² Unfortunately, their disgruntlement disqualifies them as

bonafide leaders to battle the scourge of caste, otherwise a worthy cause.

Vociferous debates decorated with virulence do not solve anything or advance

any cause. At best they provide self-gratification, and public adulation in

some quarters. Vociferous discussions are not robust or intellectually

rigorous. Condemnations and LOUD condemnations are exercises in


My contribution to the battle against the caste: facilitate personal

transformation. I only sow the seed; it is for the Lord to reap the fruits.

I fully expect to be pilloried for what I have written. So be it. I may post

some further thoughts if I think I have, at some point, something useful to


Basilio Monteiro

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