JC. I have responded to you below to each of your comments.
So you will see my thoughts in the final section, where your post appears.

> Mario Goveia wrote:
> Here is an excerpt from the article: "When India's founding Constituent 
> Assembly  debated making concessions for Outcaste-Christians, Jerome 
> D'Souza, S.J.,  representing the Christians, rejected them, claiming there 
> is no caste in  Christianity."  He sounds just like you, Gilbert.
> Clearly in the late 40's Jerome D'Souza must have known that the caste 
> system was rampant among Goans. Obviously he had his eyes and ears closed.
> ==
> Gilbert Lawrence responds:
> What you have put in quotes from its very English cannot be the words of 
> Jerome D'Souza but rather your's or someone else's interpretation of 
> thoughts. It does not even tell us the context of the statement. Clearly the 
> Indian constitution was not being written for 2% of the population.
> Having said that, I fully support the statement there is "no caste in 
> Christianity." Do you disagree with that statement?
> What are your colors including confused? :=))
> Do you want to have your cake and eat it too?
> Do you love to argue? Please be honest?
> ====
> Response from JC:
> In their opposition to the practice of that Apartheid Caste System, I 
> support Cornell and Mario.

GL: Let's not argue the obvious. WE ALL OPPOSE the practice of apartheid caste 
system. (Should I repeat the prior statement ten times) So there are no 
martyrs for this cause. Those who claim that mantel by falsely accusing others 
(and now including the Bishop of Goa) are the true casteists (or nuts) in some 
angelic clothes. This is obvious from Mario's post where he is now very very 
angry with the Goa Catholic bishop and church of Goa for some imaginary or yet 
to be known reason/ link to caste.

> In the above points, I support the points raised by you.

GL: Now why is it I make sense to you and many others but not to these 'aum 
zano Goenkars'? To which escol did these two or three guys go to?:=)) Oh Yes, 
I did not mention the phantom nuns and priests. :=))

> I do NOT support the individual who wants to have his cake and eat it too. 
> Even if the Icing on the cakewalla's cake is full of Confusion.

GL: You have made the right diagnosis of Confusion and Ignorance. Now can you 
prescribe some treatment. Yes, I know they are adults. :=))
> Let us (for the sake of this discussion) assume that those were indeed Fr. 
> Jerome's words.
> 1. Did he say anything wrong ?

GL: First that was what Mario posted when I asked him for Fr. Jerome's quote.
Not to your question. That is precisely my point - Absolutely nothing wrong. 
So why are they quoting him? To discredit him? Misrepresent the priest? or do 
they not just understand what Fr. Jerome is saying? Again which escol did they 
go, which taught them 'the art of DISTORTIONS'. 

> 2. Is there Caste in  Christianity? AND Would a person practicing the caste 
> system be a Christian ?

GL: There is no caste-system in the teaching of Christianity. In Goa and in my 
diocese of Syracuse I do not see caste practices. I have asked you and others 
for documentation of a systematic /structural  discrimination.  A person 
practicing discrimination would not be a Christian. Period end of story!

> 3. IF special concessions were made to a special subset of Christians (or 
> Hindus) based on the Caste System, would that be fighting or enhancing the 
> Caste System?

GL: That would be Affirmative Action - Indian style!  I support Affirmative 
action in the USA. Do you and others have a solution to correct past 

> I hope we have noted that the vast majority of Goans (in the late 40s and 
> 50s ....and before that) were NOT even considered in the scenario of the  
> Indian Constitution. They were after all, Portuguese Citizens.....that 
> figure of 2% might merit from revision.

GL: The figure of 2% is the proportion of Christians in India at the time the 
Indian constitution was written. 
Regards, GL

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