<< Can someone donate a prize to the netter who comes up with the most
convincing argument on why women shouldn't be allowed to become priests?

Also, were all you guys serious with the arguments you threw up? FN >>

Fred, the only real prize for a practicing Roman Catholic is knowing (s)he is furthering the cause of the faith of their fathers. For others, it is purely acamedic gymnastics. Empty vessels make the most sound!

The excerpt that follows is self-explanatory.


What Benedict XVI does oppose, however, is the misuse of Vatican II to justify things the Council Fathers never proposed. Abortion, contraception, women's ordination, acceptance of homosexual behavior -- all are paraded by dissenting Catholics as natural outgrowths from the documents of the Council. But such claims are only convincing to one who has never actually read those same documents (which are thoroughly orthodox and bear no support whatsoever to such radical positions).

That's when the "Spirit of Vatican II" makes its entrance. You see, since dissenting Catholics cannot actually find their wish list anywhere in the actual conciliar documents, they're forced to imagine a kind of trajectory from the Council -- almost as if Vatican II were a perpetual, unending event. Given enough time, the theory goes, the Fathers would have eventually embraced the theological fascinations of the Catholic Left.

Don't be fooled. One of my favorite former theology professors -- certainly no conservative -- used to say that the phrase "The Spirit of Vatican II" really means, "This is what Vatican II would have said if Vatican II were me."

Just so.


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