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--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario,
> Blacks make up 12% of the population in the US. They
> also make up 50% of the people in jail in the US.
Mario responds:
Mervyn, I don't know to explain this to someone like
you who is so poorly informed about the USA, but
people here are not put into jail based on their
percentage of the population, but on being convicted
of a crime.
Mervyn writes:
> I have been in grade schools in the ghettos of
> Alabama. These schools, run by blacks, are
> consistently producing illiterate graduates. The
> reason this is happening is because the schools do
> not get funding from local, state and federal
> governments. I have seen classrooms with 45 kids. 
> These kids are being deprived of the services 
> (civil rights?) available to those outside the 
> ghetto. 
Mario responds:
It is an example of your unfamiliarity with the USA
that you can say that inner city schools, "...the
schools do not get funding from local, state and
federal governments."  Are you suggesting that inner
city public schools in the USA are privately funded?
While these inner city schools are fairing poorly, it
has nothing to do with funding, and everything to do
with liberal attitudes prevalent at these schools,
what President Bush calls, "The soft bigotry of low
expectations".  He has imposed stringent standards on
all public schools over the last 4 years, and has
threatened to close those that do not perform up to
Mervyn writes:
The NAACP has being trying to get more funds for
schools in poorer districts, but are denied at
almost all levels.
Mario writes:
The NAACP is the biggest culprit in "The soft bigotry
of low expectations" for inner city schools.  They
demand more and more funding but obstruct any attempts
to improve the quality of the teaching.  For example,
the worst public school system in the country is in
NAACP influenced Washington, DC, which spends over
$10,000 perstudent per year.  This compares with one
third of that cost at any decent Catholic school,
which provide high quality education.
Mervyn writes:
> A lot.
> You also seemed to have missed the race riots that
> went on in your home town of Toledo, Ohio.
Mario responds:
I have already demonstrated above that you know very
little about what is going on in the USA with public
schools, regarding funding or anything else.  Your
information seems to be coming from the same people
who are responsible for the poorest performers among
the schools in the USA.
Besides, hurling insults and spreading misinformation
does not substitute for the facts.

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