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--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario,
> In the past twelve months, I have been to eighteen
> states in the US. I have dipped my big toe in the
> Pacific Ocean, the Mississippi and the Atlantic
> Ocean.
> I make it a point to keep up to speed with what is
> going on in the US, as I have large investments
> there.
> Secondly, I am aware that people are jailed upon
> conviction of a crime. I am also aware that
> prisoners
> are executed by the US govt and then it is found
> that
> they were innocent of the crime they were convicted
> of. 
Mario replies:
Your travels are impressive, but your knowledge of the
US school system, which we live with and pay for, is
not.  If you were up to speed with what is going on in
the US, which is contradicted by what you write, you
would know that the US Justice system does not convict
people based on their percentage in the population. 
Regarding executions of innocent people your comments
are similarly false and a vicious calumny of the
system, which provides virtually unlimited appeals at
taxpayer cost which go on for an average of 12 years
after initial conviction before anyone is executed. 
You cannot "be aware" of something that has been
alleged by people with an axe to grind, but has never
been proven.  
Mervyn continues:
> Clearly, I am not. 
> I also can not fathom where you got that idea from.
Mario replies:
I got that idea from your comment that inner city
schools were not being funded by anyone.  Here is your
direct quote, "I have been in grade schools in the
ghettos of Alabama. These schools, run by blacks, are
consistently producing illiterate graduates. The
reason this is happening is because the schools do not
get funding from local, state and federal governments.
Mervyn writes:
> The above is the lamest excuse I have seen on
> Goanet.
Mario replies:
To someone determined to be critical but having no
knowledge of the US school system, everything would
sound lame.  The fact is the the liberal
establishment, the Teacher's Unions and the NAACP are
historically responsible for not holding inner city
schools to any standards of performance.  President
Bush has instituted new standards and threatened to
close failing schools and these groups are fighting
him tooth and nail.  However, the standards are
working and the "Soft bigotry of low expectations" is
being defeated to the immense benefit of future
classes in inner city schools.
Mervyn writes:
> IMHO, the NAACP is staffed by people who are
> dedicated to their cause. I was able to graduate 
> from college only because of the efforts of the 
Mario replies:
IMHO is right.  You have much to be HA regarding your
knowledge of the US school system.  The NAACP became
obsolete after the civil rights movement, and is now a
left wing political organization existing on demanding
the equality of outcomes for minorities.  I seriously
doubt your graduation had anything to do with the
Mervyn writes:
> It beats me why any American would claim that his  
> nations capital has "the worst public school
> system."
Mario writes:
It's called the truth, Mervyn, which is something you
are unfamiliar with with regards to the US.  The
Washington, DC school system is widely recognized as
the worst in the US, producing the worst results at
the highest cost.
Mervyn writes:
> I think Alabama and Mississippi have far worse
> systems. I have lived and worked in DC. It is not
> called "district of Columbia" for no reason. Drug
> dealers operate in the hallways of some public
> schools. The money the school districts require is
> not
> for education but for the security of the pupils.
> Principals ARE concerned about the physical safety
> of
> their pupils.
Mario replies:
I was citing facts.  You can "think" whatever you
Mervyn writes:
> As far as catholic schools are
> concerned, they can pick and choose which students
> they want and also which students to expel. There
> are
> no prizes for guessing which schools these expelled
> students wind up.
Mario replies:
This does not explain why they cost one-third the cost
per pupil of the worst public schools but produce
superlative results.
Mervyn writes:
> You have demonstrated nothing. My output here comes
> from my experiences in studying/teaching/living in
> Alabama and the Washington DC area.
Mario replies:
I have demonstrated once again that you know very
little about the US education system, and are
regurgitating the opinions of many of the people who
are responsible for their condition, like the NAACP. 
The new standards set by the Bush administration are
still being fought by the Teacher's Unions and the
NAACP, but has gained tremendous support from the
parents of inner city kids, for whom a good education
provides the best opportunity to catch up with the
rest of American society.

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