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--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario,
> Thank you. I have worked for a high school in the
> Washington, D.C. area. My boss at the time, was also
> impressed with the work I did there. 
Mario responds:
This is not about you but the entire school system. 
Why are you not familiar with the pathetic condition
of the Washington, DC school system and the high cost
of over $10,000 per student per year?
Mervyn writes:
> So far, you are the only person who brings up the
> idea that the US justice system may be convicting 
> people "based on their percentage in the 
> population." It's an amazing proposition by you. 
Mario responds:
You are only amazed because you seem to have
completely forgotten what you wrote previously.  It is
YOU who compared the percentage of blacks in the
population and their percentage in the prison
poulation.  My proposition is that people are
convicted by a jury of their peers, based on evidence
of their crimes.  This is the exact opposite of what
you have alleged above.  
Mervyn writes:
> The US is the only 'western' country that executes
> prisoners. Some of those executed are later found to
> be innocent. Here is a link that may open your eyes.
Mario replies:
This is a false allegation based on opponents of the
death penalty.  No one who has been executed has yet
been proven to have been innocent.  What you are
probably being confused by - typical of those who
pontificate about the US without all the facts - is
that some who were sentenced to death were later found
to be not guilty during the lengthy appeals process.
Mervyn writes:
> Enough.
> When that word is inserted in the last sentence
> above, the message becomes clearer, as in: "The 
> reason this is happening is because the schools do 
> not get ENOUGH funding from local, state and 
> federal governments."  My apologies for making you 
> think that US schools were running on no funds. 
Mario replies:
The word ENOUGH was not in your original post.  Even
this is not true because there are many public school
systems that produce far better results at lower cost.
Now, with the new standards, which are being opposed
by the NAACP and the Teacher's unions, poor performing
schools will be closed.
Mervyn writes:
> Once again, I have worked for a high school in the
> US.  I am critical of any system that leaves an 
> eight year old illiterate. These kids life's are 
> stolen right there and then. Furthermore, in the 
> US, kids graduate from high school illiterate and 
> colleges accept these same illiterates into their 
> programs.  Once the college is done with these 
> illiterates, they spew them into a place worse than 
> where they came from. 
Mario replies:
If you are critical of schools that turn out
illiterates then you should be opposing the real
reasons for this, which is NOT a lack of money, but
lousy teachers, who don't want to be held accountable
by standards.  
A poor education definitely biases against the child
in this most competitive of countries.  This is why
President Bush describes the opponents of standards,
which are the Teachers unions and the NAACP, as having
"The soft bigotry of low expectations", and is now
forcing inner city schools to improve or be shut down.
Mervyn writes:
> Yep, in your world, the NAACP have abandoned their
> charter.
Mario responds:
My world is the real world we live in here, not that
of someone on the outside looking in and spouting
conventional liberal wisdom which has caused the
problems in the first place.
Mervyn writes:  
> The above sentence does not make sense to me. Please
> clarify (IMHO is right. You have much to be HA 
> regarding your knowledge of the US school system.)
Mario replies:
The H stands for Humble in both abbreviations.
Mervyn writes:
> The NAACP is one of the most popular organization in
> the US. It is still fighting for equal rights.
> Rights such as the ability of non-whites to check 
> out of a luxury hotel. It makes little sense in 
> having the right to check into a luxury hotel when 
> you (still) do not have the ability check out.
Mario replies:
The NAACP is very popular only among those who think
that blacks are inferior and unable to make it on
their own.  They are losing popularity even among
blacks because it has become a mouthpiece for obsolete
liberal philosophies that are holding them down.
The NAACP has no need to fight for equal rights, which
have available for several years now.  What they are
now fighting for are equal outcomes. 
Since all hotels in the US cannot discriminate on the
basis of race, only by a person's ability to pay,
which is verified when they check in, I have no idea
what you are insinuating regarding checking in and out
of hotels.  
Mervyn writes:
> I will let this one pass on the assumption that you
> are just clowning around (I seriously doubt your
graduation had anything to do with the NAACP.)
Mario replies:
I, and three of my kids, have graduated from American
universities, with the NAACP nowhere in sight.  Why
would I be clowing around, which is what you seem to
be doing.
Mervyn writes:
And your source of info is? (That the Washington, DC
public school system is one of the worst and yet
costliest in the US)
Mario responds:
There are several studies that have shown this.
Mervyn writes:
> Mario, you are getting boring.
> You based this entire post on a false premise. As
> stated before, I have worked in a high school in the
> D.C. area. What I have contributed here, are from my
> personal experiences. I don't believe that you have
> any experience in what you write about. Anyone, but
> anyone, can write about what s/he feels.
Mario replies:
One doesn't have to be a chicken to know how an egg is
laid.  In fact the chicken may have no idea.  Your
information from the outside looking is is seriously
out of date and/or flawed.
Mervyn writes:
> According to you Mario, the people fighting Bush's
> "new standards" are those whom it's supposed to
> benefit the most? Maybe, just maybe, these new
> standards that you talk about are very unpopular
> with Americans? 
Mario replies:
The new school standards are popular with parents who
want to know objectively how their kids are doing in
school.  They are unpopular with the Teachers unions
and liberal organizations like the NAACP.
Again, you are proving your unfamiliarity with the
facts on the ground.  There is now a huge difference
between the interests of the liberal political
political organization that the NAACP has become and
average African Americans, especially those in the
inner city, who need their children to get a better
education and become economically competitive.  The
NAACP loses members when African Americans become
economically independent.

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