> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Anyone who is not an extreme environmental activist
> would acknowledge that global warming and cooling
> have taken place many times in Earth's history, way
> before the first automobile was invented. 
--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The above assertion is deceptive. It is also a
> continuation of propagation of misinformation in
> this forum. 
Mario wonders:
I wonder how factual information can be "deceptive". 
It makes more sense that a claim that historical
"facts" are deceptive is what is deceptive.
Santosh continues:
> Climatological research has shown that the present
> post-industrial phase of global warming is
> unprecedented. The four previous phases of warming
> were smaller in magnitude and NOT global in scope.
> They were either regional or hemispheric in extent.
> All four of the previous episodes of regional or
> hemispheric warming can be completely accounted for
> by natural processes. The present post-industrial
> global warming CANNOT be completely accounted for by
> natural processes.
Mario replies:
Now we're really talking deceptive and speculative. 
There once were tropical wild animals in the British
Isles.  There was several feet of ice covering much of
the earth during the ice age.  There were verdant
forests in what is now frozen Siberia.
Sea levels rose and fell several dozen feet. 
Significant warming and cooling took place all before
the first automobile was invented.  Now they're
talking about one degree over the next hundred years. 
This level of warming will be an economic  boon to the
entire world as some analysts have opined.
Extreme environmental activists would like to FORCE us
to change our entire economy based on their theories
about climate changes over the next hundred years,
based on computer models that cannot even accurately
predict the weather NEXT WEEK.  Not to mention gases
in the atmosphere that are such a minute percentage of
the total Earth's atmosphere that the percentage will
not change noticeably even if all human activity shuts
down right now.
The fact that the so-called solution proposed by the
extreme  environmental activists exempts the two
biggest polluters of the environment, India and China,
is proof in itself that this solution is bogus, as are
all these extreme claims that the sky is falling.
Santosh continues:
> The above statement is utterly bogus. Laboratory
> experiments and climatological observations have
> shown that minute increases (comparable to what are
> observed) in atmospheric CO2 cause a significant and
> sustained increase in the atmospheric temperature
> because of a well-established physical phenomenon
> called the Greenhouse Effect, which was discovered
> more than 100 years ago. Observations indicate that
> there has been a 33% increase in atmospheric CO2 in
> the post-industrial age. This increase cannot be
> completely accounted for by natural processes.
Mario replies:
Fortunately, there are several scientists who dispute
such speculative "laboratory" experiments as
nonsensical and lacking in validity and common sense.
Santosh shows:
> P.S. Personal attacks and insults against me as a
> result of this exposure of disinformation on the
> findings of climate science will be regarded as a
> vindication of my point of view. They will therefore
> be triumphantly ignored.
Mario responds:
This is a curious and puerile attempt by Santosh to
seek some kind of sympathy from those who agree with
him.  Santosh tries to influence those who disagree
with him with claims of abuse where there is none.  No
one is abusing him, just disagreeing with his facts
and opinions.
His point of view has not been vindicated by any
means.  In fact there is a web site that specializes
in debunking all such claims that global warming is
being caused by human activity, www.JunkScience.com.

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