--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Fortunately, there are several scientists who dispute
>such speculative "laboratory" experiments as
nonsensical and >lacking in validity and common sense.

The above assertion is utterly bogus. No scientist
disputes the post-industrial increase in CO2 or the
scientific validity of the physical phenomenon called
the Greenhouse Effect. No scientist disputes the
atmospheric physical chemistry and thermodynamics of
CO2 as revealed by laboratory experiments and
climatological observations.

In the rest of the above post no real facts have been
presented in support of any of the deceptive claims
made by its author. 

>In fact there is a web site that specializes in
debunking all >such claims that global warming is
being caused by human >activity, www.JunkScience.com.

The above website is not a recognized, legitimate
scientific or regulatory resource on climate science.
Its author is not an expert on climate science or any
kind of science. For accurate and legitimate
information on global warming and climate science,
please access the following links provided by reputed
climatological and regulatory organizations of the
United States government:




P.S. Personal attacks and insults against me as a
result of this exposure of disinformation on climate
science will be regarded as a vindication of my point
of view. They will therefore be triumphantly ignored.

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