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--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 15/01/06, Mario Goveia wrote:
> > We have a couple of sayimgs in America which I
> have modified to suit this context, "Those who can,
> > Those who can't, tell others how to do." AND "Put
> your money where your mouth is!"
> Pray where is your mouth? You talk the talk (rather
write the 
> write) Can you walk the walk? What have you done for
Goa other 
> than pontificate on this forum?
> Mario replies:
You can stop praying because where my money or my
mouth is is no one else's business.
I did not talk any talk about "fixing" Goa, just
pointed out the patronizing, condescending and
presumptious ideas that YOU had presented, insinuating
that the current "doers" were not "thinkers", and that
the self-proclaimed "thinkers" knew all the answers,
but were not interested in being "doers" themselves.  

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