Dear Savika, This is my final response to you wrt your Valentine's Day corradh 'rejoinder' . My responses are as JC:

From: Savika Gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

SG 1: < Hello Mr. Colaco.........My exclamation in RED did draw many an attention, it was a spontenous rejoinder..............>

JC: Thank you Savika. It still broke GoaNet rules ....did it not? I submit that most of us Goans on the Goan lists are intelligent enough to read without the Tabloid effect.


SG 2: < after i read Martinho de Souza's (rightly from OZ) statement "Let's hope that Goa, which borders India, will escape its onslaught." i was momentarily speachless............>

JC : Yes..... when the Dalai Lama says so often that he hopes Tibet will return to her people .... I too become "momentarily speachless". The Dalai Lama (like Martinho de Souza) is living in la la land. He does not have the sense to read the writing on the wall (The Great Wall) - like the Panchan Lama and thousands of other Tibetans have done. They have accepted China's take over of Tibet (illegal as it was) as fait accompli. Something, most sensible Goans have.

BTW: Was China's annexation of Tibet legal? What about the Portuguese conquest of Goa? or the 1961 annexation of Goa by India?

I will not rehash the previously had discussions - merely refer you to a sampling (vide infra); But I would like to hear from you or others : WHY do you (rather........ Do you) believe that Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was legal? and the US/UK action in Iraq?

Interesting to see so many Indians (who support India's annexation of Goa) oppose the US action in Iraq while staying perfectly silent about China in Tibet, Indonesia in East Timor & Iraq in Kuwait.


SG 3: < Picture this : i actually shot right out of my chair, hit my shin on my work table and was
screaming like a banshee!>

JC: You have another choice - instead of doing the above ... please see SG 8 (infra).


SG 4: < yes, my "red" reaction was for the implication that Goa was a Country...............a country (goa) within a country (india)............ummmmmmmmmmmmm...... !!??>

JC : Just imagine ...that Dalai Lama ....a country (tibet) within a country (china)............ ....ummmmmmm ......!!!


SG 5: < u say " Just to tell us ordinary people that politicians con us ordinary folk. And we ordinary folk who claim to be powerful in alleged democracies ....are actually guillible fools."

Well.........leaving aside my fundamental right to vote, and all that hoedown..........i have been staying away from IT like a plague......>

JC: Good for you. Likewise here.


SG6: < the disease is within us and not outside of's up to us alone to amputate that part of our being that's rotting.........easily said than done........need i say more? >

JC : ?


SG 7: < Wrt to Anjediva and Dabolim.........Excuse me! (obligingly yours)..........i am playing my part so are many concerned goans in Goa as well as the diaspora.......IMHO, one does not need to be enthusiastic on a forum to show u care!>

JC : OK .... Many Goans are "playing their part". OK... and HAS that been effective thus far?

Oh sorry .....I am being reminded by the Brigadier sahab that Goans should behave themselves (like the colonial Portuguese told them to). I am even led to believe that Goans should NOT have demonstrated against the META plant .... in fact, using the same logic, I believe that Goa should have welcomed the French Asbestos ship. Would it not have generated more POIXE for Goa?


SG 8: < Take care and boro mog kor :-))  >

JC: Please see response to SG3 above.

good wishes as always ....and please ....IF there are rules, let's keep them - even IF the GoaNet admin folks apply them selectively.

Just because China violated international rules visavis Tibet ...and India visavis Goa, does not mean that SG or JC should violate GoaNet rules.

good wishes to all

Time for me to head off and earn a living ..........>


Is Goa Liberated :

Snippets of previously hashed out points :

Floriano :

National Parties ... has(have) been the perenial looter(s) of Goa and Goans with the branded self-serving regional thugs at the helm of its(their) affairs in Goa. I dare you to prove me wrong on this.


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