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The most important asset of Goa is its land. Unfortunately day by day it is going out of the hands of real Goans. At the time of Goa’s annexation by Bharat in December 1961 the land of Goa in its totality was into the hands of real Goans. During my last visit to Goa I have seen that Goa is rampantly purchased by non-Goans and Goa is ruthlessly sold to non-Goans by the real Goans mostly the Bhattkars. In his “Ikravo Mandament” the greatest Konkani “Romansi” writer from Aldona, the late Mr. Damaciano Caridade urged the Goan Landlords not to keep their huge properties idle but to make use of same either by developing or by constructing something there so that these properties become financially viable for the community. In his writings the late Mr. Mariano Vaz from Anjuna and who was called “Konkani Advogad” then, urged Goans to protect their land and properties and also ancestral houses. His foresight and forecast made him realize that a day will come when Goans will be in minority in their own land. Mariano Vaz was a very good forecaster. One of his very important forecasts was that when he wrote “It will take only one day for a Goan to reach Portugal but it will take a month for a Goan to reach Bombay”. This forecast came into reality in mid and late fifties when there was a blockade imposed by Bharat between India Portuguesa of Dr. Antonio Oliveira Salazar and Bharat of chikaner Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Coming back to Goan land, it is purchased like hot cakes by the Malyalis, Maharastrians, North Indians, South Indians and all other Indians who first come to Goa either as contractual labour or as top officers or as foot-ballers or as PT Teachers or as academic teachers or as any other employees and employers or as pimps or as prostitutes or as call girls or as manual labourers. These non Goans normally after accomplishing their missions do not return back to their native places but like nomads they roam here and there and finally preferred to settle down in Goa only, many of them marry Gan girls and become “Honrad Ghor Zanvui” and on the strength of their “Sasumae and Sasupai” dictate their terms to Goans. To allow them to dictate their non-Goan terms to Goans, we Goans are become impotent to challenge their brute might. Our might is meant only to form gangs of “goondas” and "chor & bamtte" to destroy Goans only. We have violent and militant groups in Goa formed by Goans only but what do they do? They harass and destroy Goans only. They have no marbles to challenge non-Goans. Their purpose is not to protect Goan interest but to protect their financial interest. In Goa to protect our interest we need a Goa patriotic group like what they have in Mumbai, Shiv Sena that protects the interest of Maharastrians. We need a group to protect the sons of the soil. To form such a powerful group we need a real Goan Bal Thackery. We currently have only Chor Thackeries in Goa.

Gulf was opened for Goans soon after the second world war. By working in the Gulf, Gulfies earned millions of petro dollars and filled the Goan Banks for the lure of some percentage of interest. Gulfies were happy for this interest money but the real beneficiaries of our petrodollars were non Goans, non-Gulfies and enemies of Christians who made use of our petrodollars by using it from the Banks for investment in Goa and elsewhere. Tata built Taj from Goan land of Candolim Communidade which they got on long term lease basis and money for the construction of Hotel from Goan Banks deposited by the Gulfies but major benefits in the employment went for non Goans and enemies of Gulf Goans. My neighbour Gangaram purchased a Bus from the loan he got from a nationalized Bank in Goa, the Bank gave him the loan from the deposits Gulfies deposited in that Bank and did nice business in that bus. Incidentally Gangaram has employed a driver for his bus one Mr. Thomas, one of the sons of the Gulfies whose father regularly deposited money in that bank. Instead of Gangaram, Thomas himself could have done that business by doing what Gangaram has done but Thomas had no business brain, he had slavish brain. Gangaram was clever while Thomas not, for this reason many of the Gangarams in Goa are holding the reins of Goan economy. We Christians and Gulfies earned so much but spent on unwanted luxuries and conspicuous consumption. We Gulfies were never guided in the right direction for this reason many of the Gulfies invested their wealth in dead investment that fetched them nothing and because of this many of us suffered miserably during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. We should have in bigger scale invested our earnings in the purchasing of Goan land which is our gold and its value always appreciates. Instead of allowing non-Goans to purchase our land and construct hotels and motels and factories in Goa we ourselves should have done this. With the exception of a few, we Gulfies have failed us and failed Goa in many ways. Unfortunately our Church leaders also failed us in providing guidance for us in right direction. Instead of guiding us properly financially, our Church leaders, nuns and priests exploited us and our wealth. At our cost and by taking the name of Jesus Christ, priests got money from us in the form of donations and built their personal and Church empires. Our Government servants, politicians and ministers never guided us in right direction and they will never do this however much we do for them.

In 1977 we a few of us Kuwaitkars joined together and formed a company called Gulf Goans Hotels Company to construct Hotels and Motels in Goa. Mr. Vincente D’Souza a dynamic Bardezkar Goan was its initiator, Mr. Vincente has done many good things for Kuwait Goans, direct flight from Kuwait to Goa was his initiative, Indian School at Jabriya was his initiative, Kuwait Goan Association that lasted for about 20 years was his initiative besides Gulf Goans Hotels Co. Over a hundred Goans became share holders of Gulf Goans Hotels company by investing in lakhs, this company was administered by a Board of Directors, majority based in Kuwait. The first unit of this company was established in Calangute known as “Hotel Goan Heritage” at Gauravaddo. No doubt it was not very easy for us to establish and start this hotel, it took lot of pains and hardship, lot of personal risks and lot of investment. Shashikala’s MGP Government in the beginning was against this project because it belonged to Christians and since MGP under Bandodkar and Shashikala was pro-Hindu, Shashikala as Chief Minister brought lot of hurdles on our way but ultimately we succeeded. All money in investment did not belong to share holders only, major portion came from EDC as loan. Why other Goans Gulf Goans not come forward and establish such companies instead of allowing Tatas and other big magnates to provide such services in Goa? As for West settled Goans I have no confidence in them that they will purchase Goa by purchasing Goan lands. On the contrary many of them are guilty of selling their ancestral properties and houses to non-Goans to make their way to the West. As for me I have no trust in West settled Goans that they will invest anything worthwhile in Goa because their attitude is this “bhor ga potta, sor ga dissa”. “Pott bhorta thuimsor ghaum”, who wants Goa? Our children are not interested in Goa, this is what they say. In such people we cannot rely for the survival of Goa and Goans in Goa. During the language movement in Goa other than Kuwait Goans and something from other parts of Gulf Goans, none from the West has done anything that deserve admiration for West settled Goans for the cause of Goa.

Hence, though it is late yet it is still advisable for Gulf Goans to invest their savings in lands and properties in Goa and develop them and invest there something otherwise whatever is left in Goa will also go out of our hands. This will be the last chance for us to save Goa because our politicians are not interested in the protection of Goa, our Church is not interested in protecting the interest if sons of the soil. This I say because many of the priests coming to Kuwait for collection donations they think only of themselves, they never tell us to invest in something to make our future and that of Goa’s future safe. In many villages Confraria properties were cheaply sold by the local Church bodies to non-Goans and to our enemies non-Christians. I feel sorry to know that deGoanisation process in Goa is in full swing. Non-Goans are having lot of money with them and with the strength of this they purchase Goan properties. This trend must be arrested first by not selling our lands to non-Goans and secondly by purchasing Goan lands by us only. Otherwise Goa and Goans are finshed.

When Portuguese was ousted from Goa the higher ups in Delhi and Maharastra were of the opinion that entire Goan Christian community with top brass of Hindu community comprising Brahmins are leaning towards Portuguese. In order to put a brake on this trend it was imperative that the Goans should be put into minority. Hence, the policy of altering demographic structure of Goa by inducting more and more non-Goans into Goa who like Jews in the Middle East started purchasing Goan land to build their settlements or to build business establishments. Maharastrian lobby is vigorously working against Goan interest in Goa by sending Maharastrians to purchase Goan lands in bigger volumes. This fact must also be taken into consideration.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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