--- Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We must come to terms with the reality that those
> who left Goa are (mostly) gone for good, and those 
> that have made up their minds now will leave as 
> well.  It is up to Goans who live in Goa to fend for
> themselves and look after their own interests and 
> homeland — and the reality lies therein.
Mario observes:
Excellent points, Joe.  It always amuses me when the
staunchest Portophiles and others on Goanet who
regularly call for GOA FOR GOANS and other similar
sentiments do not live there, and probably never will.
 I hope they will at least buy some properties in Goa
and keep these out of the hands of the dastardly
"foreigners" from India and elsewhere who have
"discovered" the beauty of Goa that Goans have taken
for granted for far too long.
I continue to encourage the diaspora Goans to buy some
property in Goa, not just for sentimental reasons, but
because it still looks like a good investment for such
a unique tourist haven.
The properties on the coast may no longer be available
or may be priced out of sight but there are still
properties along the rivers and on the hills with the
kind of ambience and excellent views that have great
potential long-term value.  Properties with good
panoramic views always hold and enhance their values
better than those with no panoramic view.
The problem with seafront properties in Goa are the
zoning regulations which, at 500 meters from the high
tide waterline, put virtually all new buildings out of
sight of the sea.  The riverfront properties have a 90
meter limit, which provides a far better view.  This
is what has made Miramar Beach on the Mandovi River so
attractive to buyers.  Hillside properties provide
excellent views as well.  The "foreigners" are less
likely to be familiar with these properties, though
they will discover them soon enough.

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