--- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:
> What is going on in Goa? Are we taking 10 steps
> backwards in every direction? I am not only ashamed,
> I am actually terrified for Goa.
Mario muses:
Preetam & Elisabeth,
With all due respect, while I agree that this new
dress code is silly and intrusive in the increasing
global social climate, I still don't get this new
sentiment of being "ashamed" at the drop of a hat - of
something one has nothing to do with.  I think that
real "shame" is best reserved for personal
transgressions, and sentiments like regret, dejection,
bemusement, indignation and anger for those of others.
And now, "actually terrified" - why?  Because some
silly, overbearing bureaucrat is taking himself or
herself too seriously in suggesting a salwar-khameez
dress code for school girls?  
And how about the extreme hyperbole in the Subject
line - "Talibanisation"?  Has everyone forgotten what
the Taliban are all about - sadism, misogyny and
extreme brutality based on a warped interpretation of
their religion?
Is Preetam seriously suggesting that the dress code 
is "...now threathening the very social fabric of the
native Goans..."  Is the social fabric of native Goans
so fragile?
Private schools around the world have all kinds of
dress codes without any claim by anyone that they are
sabotaging the social fabric.
"Misguided", "stupid" or "prudish" are the worst
adjectives I could come up with for this action.  At
most, this is just one step backwards, and should be
easily reversed with some strident parental
protestations.  Maybe I'm missing something.  

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