Dear Mario,
I really do think you are suffering from a rare form
of PDD, known as PDD by Proxy. Not only do you feel
the need to defend your point of view ad infinitum but
you feel the obsessive need to either defend or take
umbrage at someone else's point of view or emotional
state of being, be it shame or disappointment, and
then label it as you would like it to be.

To put hyperbole in context, according to you and
Gilbert, the Association of Goan Atheists and
Agnostics, are frequently seen running the streets
naked, burning kastis and culminating in an orgy to
rival Dionysus. It's another matter that none of us
have ever be fortunate enough to witness such an

In anycase, I shall take your point under advisement
and write to the PTA, to stop robbing our young girls
of their self-worth and reinstate a Britney Spears
version of the good ole school uniform.


 Mario muses:
> >
> Preetam & Elisabeth,
> With all due respect, while I agree that this new
> dress code is silly and intrusive in the increasing
> global social climate, I still don't get this new
> sentiment of being "ashamed" at the drop of a hat -
> of
> something one has nothing to do with.  I think that
> real "shame" is best reserved for personal
> transgressions, and sentiments like regret,
> dejection,
> bemusement, indignation and anger for those of
> others.
> >
> And now, "actually terrified" - why?  Because some
> silly, overbearing bureaucrat is taking himself or
> herself too seriously in suggesting a salwar-khameez
> dress code for school girls?  

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