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It is unfortunate that many of my simple questions and
requests about fake morality were not answered.
Instead, we have the all-too-familiar name-calling
directed at some unknown imaginary folk, prejudiced
false assumptions about me, and unwarranted personal
insults, including an attempt to associate me with

The reason for engaging in this behavior is not clear
to me. Does the moral code of any group dictate such
behavior? But perhaps, this display reveals more about
the individual or group member who resorts to it than
about the people against whom it is directed.
Therefore, I will simply address a few points, and end
by asking one more time my unanswered questions, with
a humble request to answer them without resorting to
gratuitous name-calling, derisive remarks and
prejudiced assumptions meant to portray me as morally
and intellectually inferior to members who are
affiliated with some religious and other groups.

Mario Goveia wrote:

>Perhaps that is also why you are being veritably
>inundated with responses.

Is this a statement of fact or of sarcasm? I have not
seen any such inundation.

>It is not I who needs to mind, but someone like
>yourself who can provide a dismissive conclusion
>like, "Wrong answer. But never mind." without any
>supporting rationale.  

The rationale has already been provided. Please see my
earlier post.

>If by "mob psychology" and "herd mentality" you mean

Wrong and prejudiced assumption. Both religious and
non-religious groups are prone to mob psychology and
herd mentality. Non-religious groups include political
parties, trade unions, lobbies, secular humanists,

>All we see are platitudes towards individualism and
>independent thinking, which conveniently absolves one
>of all responsibility other than that thankfully
>imposed by law.

Incoherent statement, and absurd dismissal of
individualism and independent thinking.  It is well
known that today’s laws were framed by rational
independent thinkers.  A large part of the modern
legal system is to protect the rights of the
individual. The notion that rational independent
thinking and individualism absolves anyone of
individual personal responsibility is utterly

>Since we have established that the "mob behavior" you
>are referring to is the practice of religion, can you
>show us where anyone has been arrested while
>following the rock solid moral code of any religion?

Who are the "we" that you are referring to? Please
name all the members of your group who have
established such a fake assumption. If you cannot do
so, I humbly request you not to ascribe your
prejudices to others. 

The mob behavior I am referring to applies to both
religious and non-religious groups. Please see above.

However, as a statement of fact modern secular laws
have many conflicts with various religious codes. 

For example, people belonging to religious sects whose
moral codes ban childhood immunization have been
arrested for refusing to give Polio vaccines to their
Sati and religious human sacrifice are banned by
secular laws. People who still practice them in India
have been arrested.

Mormons have been arrested in the U.S. for practicing
polygamy according to their moral code.

Digambara Jains who practice nudism would be arrested
for nudity. 

Satya Sai Baba, a founding godman of a religious sect
would have been arrested for ritualistic pedophilia if
the existing secular laws were properly enforced. 

Please let me know if you need any more such examples.

>There are no religious moral codes that encourage
>nudism or pedophilia.

Wrong as usual. Please see above.

>Nothing in any religious moral code harms or even
>threatens individuals or society as a whole.

Wrong as usual. Please see above. Please let me know
if you need other examples.

>One has to belong to an organization to appreciate
>losing credibility within it or the more serious
>consequences of being excluded from the group or
>publicly censured by the group's leadership.

How many people have suffered these “serious”
consequences for violating the first three
commandments of the modern modified version of the
code of your group?
Can you name any of these people?
Does this apply to other groups such as Hindus,
Communists, Secular Humanists, etc, as well?

Also please note that you have not responded to the
following questions and requests. I humbly request you
to do so without trying to offend me. Your repeated
attempts at personal insult are unlikely to raise your
credibility in the minds of any individual or group

1. How is the severity of each infraction graded and
by whom? 
2. How many levels of severity are there?
3. Do the group members follow their code even if it
is harmful to them or to society as a whole?
4. Why are individualism and independent rational
thinking not permitted by these codes?
5. Please state the specific assertions in these
codes, which prohibit hypocrisy.
6. Please enumerate the other groups, besides
organized religious ones, mentioned by you in your
earlier post.
7. How many such other groups are there? 
8. How many rock solid codes are there in all i.e.
those of organized religious groups and those of other


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