--- lenny dsouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Elisabeth,
> I have always seen that war appear to stop
> terrorism only for a short time but germinates more 
> wars. This attack may appear good now but imagine 
> the lifes of the civilian, put your self there in 
> their place. I have seen pictures of the attacks by
> israel.  Its not a pretty sight.
Mario asks:
Lenny, did you notice that nobody from Germany, Japan
and Italy considered "germinating" any wars after they
were destroyed in WW-II?  
You know, there was a British Prime Minister named
Neville Chamberlain, who may been able to stop WW-II,
but his thinking was exactly like yours, and millions
died as a result.
Were you aware that Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran
all have written policies calling for the destruction
of Israel, and have all recently confirmed that goal?
Can you even imagine what it means for a whole country
to be "wiped off the map?"  Do you think it would be a
pretty sight?
Can you tell me how you would "negotiate" with someone
who has vowed to kill you and your family, in fact,
your whole neighborhood?  Not only vowed, but actually
tried for 58 years.  What exactly would you say to
Have you seen pictures of suicide bombers and their
victims in Israel?  Was that a pretty sight?  War is
hell, Lenny, and tends to continue when people blame
the wrong side.
Far better to tell the terrorists to stop trying to
eliminate a whole country, Lenny.  People from that
country tend to strenuously object to that.
Lenny writes:
> I am of the firm believer that india must not go
> to war, its taken us a long time to come up to the 
> finiancial place that we are, war will destroy us 
> and take us back by generation. We will not gain
> anything than more poverty, which will give rise to
> more crimes.
Mario responds:
I don't know where you live Lenny, but some 200 people
who lived in Mumbai are now unable to write such posts
as you just did.
They caught up with 200 of your fellow Indians last
week, Lenny, while you worry about finances and
poverty.  You are lucky you were not one of them but
they're coming after you Lenny, no matter where you
live.  It's nothing personal, you see, just by being
alive you are in their way.  Even Muslims are not
exempt.  Just ask the Iraqis.

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