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I wonder where the this thread is leading to. The subject line seems to be
forgotten as it says, can a Christian be a communist? Can he or can’t he?

As far as I know, communism is not a religion but a form of Government. If a
communist can be democrat than he can also be a communist isn’t it? See we
have former Russia as communist country but they are orthodox Christians. If
China has banned Christianity, does it mean, there are no Christians in
China? I believe they have underground churches for their worship, and
gradually its opening for that too, with many embracing Islam too.

According to Karl Marx  the favourite quoted communist of Vidyadhar
Gadgiland Friedrich Engels, The theory of communism may be summed up in one
sentence : Abolish all private property. According to another deffination,
“The theory which teaches that the labor and the income of society should be
distributed equally among all its members by some constituted authority.


Jerry Fernandes

From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Can a Christian be a Communist?
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Goa's premiere mailing list,  estb. 1994!"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

--- Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Usually I avoid getting into these debates because
> they drag on endlessly and the noise levels are
> high, i.e. there is not much useful content.
Mario observes:
Good idea.  When one cannot stand the heat it is far
better to claim the moral high ground and exit the
Vidhydhar writes:
> One point here, why do we accept 'godless' in its
> pejorative sense as a word of abuse? If 'godless'
> means being an atheist, what's wrong with
> that?
Mario responds:
Vidhyadhar, this is called building a straw man and
then jousting with him.  No one other than yourself
has used "godless" as a pejorative.  It was simply
used as a descriptive.  Unless you have followed this
debate you would know that no one said that there was
anything  wrong with being an atheist if that is what
you want to be.  There are NO consequences on this
earth and you are welcome to take your chances
Since you seem to have missed the crux of the matter,
the point that was made and widely misunderstood by
the anti-religious faction on Goanet is that we have
no way of knowing what moral code is being followed by
each and every unorganzied individual out there.
Instead, one self appointed spokesman for all atheists
took umbrage at this and demanded that we agree that
all atheists had developed admirable moral codes
because they had engaged in serious independent study
and research and deep introspection.  We never learned
how he would know what everyone else had done.
Vidhyadhar writes:
> Why do atheists come in for so much abuse on
> Goanet?
Mario observes:
A second straw man in the same post.  Since this post
seems to have eluded you completely how do we convince
you that it was the religious types that came in for
abuse?  To understand this you would have to go back
and read everything from the beginning.  I'm not sure
you are up to such "serious independent study and
research and deep introspection."
Vidhyadhar writes:
> As Santosh Helekar and others have repeatedly
> pointed out, belief in a God or religion often has
> only peripheral overlap with having a good code and
> practice of ethics and conduct. And if you believe
> in a God, fine, it's your opinion, but why do
> people get so excited and upset about people who
> don't?
Mario asks:
Is this a third straw man or a straw woman mate of one
of the other two?   No matter.  The only people who
got excited were the anti-religious types who took
umbrage with a simple observation as I have outlined
above.  Besides, isn't it you who asks us on behalf of
Karl Marx in every post to "Question everything?"
Apparently I took this more seriously than you do.
And I'm the one who thinks that this is the ONLY
sensible thing that old Karl ever said in public.
Funny thing is that HE did not follow his own advice
Viodhyadhar writes:
> So, yeah, put me down as a 'godless commie' on the
> same page, no problems :-)
> --
> Question everything -- Karl Marx
Mario adds:
OK.  You replace Aristo on the "Godless commie" list.
BTW, there is only one list.  As I explained to
Aristo, "Godless" and Commie" go together like white
on rice.  Aristo thought that Commies were religious
types, apparently from wandering into the wrong part
of Google.


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