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Dear Mario,

Your disdain for fellow posters knows no bounds.

First off is your assertion, that evil has nothing to
do with God. Actually incorrect. The concept of evil
as a separate entity came into common ideology with
the Abrahamic religions, which separated evil from
God, thus creating "God" and the "Devil". (Former
polytheist religions encapsulated both in one God.
Hence you have Zeus who didn't think twice of raping
women and Shiva who is both the destroyer and the
regenerator.) The modern ideological concept of evil
is closely tied to religion and its tenets.

Secondly, enough with the compound sentences that
manage to obscure the meaning of every post. My
premise is simply that all that we define as evil, is
redefined when more information comes to light.

My father once told me only "immoral girls smoked
cigarettes". Growing up, I was a terrible asthmatic.
He should have told me the truth. That smoking would
kill me. Luckily, I found that out for myself. In the
world he grew up in, his version WAS the truth.

At one time homosexuality was considered "evil". Then
psychologists labeled homosexuality as a sexual
aberration. Much money and time was spent in
"cleansing" this evil from oneself. Fortunately, we
know more about homosexuality to be accepting of it
without labeling it.

Many "thought disorders" such as paranoia,
schizophrenia, bi-polar, were considered to be
manifestations of the "devil" in people, and they were
said to be possessed. Today, we rightfully treat this

Other dysfunctions such as kleptomania are now treated
by therapy rather than punishment. As our knowledge
grows even pedophilia is being treated as a disease
and addressed through measures such as chemical

Sometimes, we are painfully aware of what is right and
wrong, but compulsions are so over-riding, that we
clamp down on that part of the brain which sends out
signals of caution, remorse,empathy etc. In this
respect too, there is work being down on brain
circuitry and there is evidence that some aspect of
criminal brains are different from that of more
functional human beings.

Far from absolving people of their "evil", I place the
entire onus of their dysfunction on themselves. They
are either the victims of mental dysfunction or
cultural conditioning (such as bigotry) that leads to
mental dysfunction of sorts. The original purpose of
prisons is lost on our modern societies. It was to
remove the dysfunctional person from society, hence
offering society protection from him, and secondly to
provide the person an opportunity to meditate on his


--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario observes:
> >
> Don't you just LOVE this wand-waving brand of
> atheism
> or agnosticism?  Doesn't it prove what I have been
> saying on this forum, that there are no reliable
> standards when it comes to the moral codes of
> unorganized individual atheists and agnostics?
> >
> This is the most comical version of evil I have
> heard
> in a long time.  The communist totalitarian
> dictators
> must be smiling in their vinegar.  
> >
> Actually, evil has little or nothing to do with the
> concept of God.  The concept of God simply
> highlights
> the difference between good and evil.
> >

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