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Dear Sunil,

At the risk of being moderated for being off-Goan-topic... I think just
discussing this issue on this forum helps readers understand that there is
an injustice being perpretrated on a segment of society who have done
NOTHING WRONG.  There are a few who have stated that they do not wish to
have this topic stuffed in their face but the majority of the readers will
(hopefully) come to the realization that it is time to investigate the
basis of their long held beliefs.  That in itself is a step towards
changing attitudes.

Who among us would condone the injustices wrought by previous generations
through slavery and later apartheid.  How can we tolerate a similar
injustice towards homosexuals?  Just because they 'look' like you and me,
do they also have to follow the norms that have been set out by the
predominantly heterosexual society?  Are their lives to be governed by
sacred scriptures which were written thousands of years ago in a time when
slavery was accepted as a normal way of life?  

<On the issue of Catholics still behind what are you tring to covey please?>

Christianity, and in particular Catholicism, does not acknowledge that
homosexuality is biological.  They preach it to be a sin of the flesh and a
depravity that is the scourge of mankind (who, incidently, was made in the
image of God).  'Forward thinking' theologians now acknowledge that
homosexuals have no control over their condition but they should refrain
from the sin of falling in love, much less attaining an orgasm.  Celibacy
is the only recourse!   Heaven forbid an ordained celibate have to endure
the endless guilt of a nocturnal emmision... it's the work of the devil....
but I digress :-)

<I don't for any reason believe that Wendell has jeopardized his career and
in what way has it been jeopardized could you kindly throw more light on

Wendell's public committment to his long term partner made international
news.  This was because his was the FIRST for the conservative Indian and
Goan society.  He had already established himself as a creative genius and
was able to successfully ride the storm of ensuing controversy.  What do
you think the reaction of the principal of a local Catholic school would be
to one of his teacher's announcing his/her homosexual orientation.  Not
favourable HERE IN CANADA where same-sex marriage is protected by law!

<Is there any real activist who can take up this issue and win it

This is not an issue for a single or group of activists to take up to win. 
It should be the mission of every person who cherishes human rights to look
at their own attitudes and act accordingly.  Gay Pride Parades are becoming
more effective at showing the public that homosexuality is nothing to be
ashamed of but they run the risk of alienating those who wish not to have
the issue 'stuffed in their face'.  Homosexuals have a vested interest in
having their side heard.  It is up to the heterosexuals who understand the
issues involved to assist them win this fight.  Accepting homosexual rights
has been hailed as the 'apartheid' fight of our generation.  We need to
convince those on 'our side of the fence' that there is no risk and
everything to be gained by extending gays the same benefits we now enjoy.


Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.

Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 12:38:42 +0530
From: "sunil monteiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Section 377

Dear Kevin,

Removal of section would not be not be easy as it may sound , it may take
time to have a legal intepretation and a positive decision by the courts of
law, but what goes hand in hand also is removal of the negative attitude
from the minds of people and acceptance of these people in the socieity
through discussions, seminars, workshops, programmes etc, once such
awareness is created things tend to fall automatically in place but at the
same time we strive to do away with this section.

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