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Dear Aristo,

First of all let me assure you that I am the biggest
"faghag" on both sides of the Atlantic. My friendships
with gay men (unfortunately no gay women), are
legendary (in my own mind only, ofcourse).

It saddens me that an intelligent poster such as
yourself has now twisted my words out of context and
intent. My use of the term freak was, as defined by
the dictionary, an anomaly. It is your understanding
of the word "freak" that is inadequate, because you
have interpreted it in its corrupted connotation.

Secondly, let me explain the meaning of the word
anomaly. That which is different from the mainstream.
Is homosexuality different from the mainstream of
heterosexuality? Ofcourse it is! In our constant quest
to prove who is the bigger liberal, let us not blur
all definitions of what is mainstream. 

And while we are on this discussion about "gay
rights", I would like to state that each one's
sexuality, as long as it does not infringe upon the
safety and rights of another individual, is their own
choice. However, the "right" to raise children is
another matter. I for one, hope that India does not
encourage any such moves. Not because I think
homosexuals are incapable of raising good moral human
beings, but because I earnestly feel that the
emotional well being of a child is best served in a
two-gender family. There, I guess I'm not that
liberal, after all. Now, where are my right-wing
friends? Anyone? Anyone out there? :))


--- Aristo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyways, I just wanted to add some perspective from
> the cause of
> homosexuality - Nature or Nurture? Whether they are
> indeed "freaks" as
> Selma puts it.  >

> Also, does the figure of 4% of the population being
> homosexual qualify
> homosexuals to be considered as "freaks"? Are the
> 2.5% of Indian
> Christians "freaks"? (just trying to give some
> perspective of what 4%
> means)

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