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--- Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Largely the rest of India, remains ignorant
> about so-called East Indians from Mumbai, as the
> only legitimate East Indians are those that come 
> from the East of India, who never refer to 
> themselves as such.
Mario responds:
The Indians from the east of India are "east" Indians,
not "East Indians", which was nomenclature that was
concocted by the East India Company to distinguish the
Maharashtrian Catholics from the Goan and Mangalorean
Catholics, hundreds of years ago.
Selma writes:
> East Indians use this term to distinguish themselves
> from Maharashtrans, which is what their ethnicity
> is.  The East Indians I have met use it obliquely to
> associate themselves with the West be it a subtle
> reference to the East India Company, their sometime
> bi-racial background or their Western lifestyle as a
> result of their long association with the East India
> Company.
Mario observes:
The oblique use you are referring to is your opinion,
not a fact.  I know a lot of East Indians like family,
and see them every year.  Those I know all call
themselves ethnic Maharashtrians.  They do not
identify with the west any more than you do.  Only
with Christianity.  None of them are bi-racial.  Those
would be Anglo-Indians.   
BTW, why would anyone in India insinuate that they had
a bi-racial background in India, where it is looked at
askance, unless it was a fact?  East Indians are no
more bi-racial than you are.
Selma writes:
> I think they should take a page from the Siddis of
> India and call themselves, Indians or Maharashtrans
> otherwise years from today we may have a few more
> ethnic groups emerging, such as Wiproities,
> Infosyities or maybe even Callcenterites.
Mario responds:
The name was given to this community by the East India
Company hundreds of years ago and is part of India's
colorful multi-ethnic history, whether you like it or
Unlike your comical examples of "Wiproities (sic),
Infosyities (sic) or maybe even Callcenterites", this
community has a distinct Maharashtrian ethnic
background as well as a distinct Catholic religious
background that identifies them.
>From your comical examples I see you are running out
of intellectual steam by descending into absurdity:-))

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