In an article, possibly last year, I had said that that the Goans holding
Portuguese passports must be give an amnesty. There seems to be no solution
otherwise. The citizenship issue is a conflict between two nations. The
registration of birth in Portugal means the person is a Portuguese citizen
even if the person has an Indian passport. It also means that perosn loses
his Indian citizenship as per the Indian Constitution.
No doubt the CM wants to save Glen Ticklo and Caitu D'Silva. It remains to
be seen if the centre listens to the CM. Not sure if this may need
Consituiional Amendement. If such a bill is troducted in Parliament it will
create a big uprorar and the Opposition will go hammer and tongs against
the government. Since the BJP has a majority, it would help in passing the
bill.The former centre governments, including the BJP under Vajpayee, had
opposed dual citzienship on various grounds.
We have to see how the bill is worded. If the centre says that registration
a birth in Portugal is okay as long as the person doesn't have Portuguese
passports means it is contrary to Portuguese laws. Will the Portuguese then
strke off the names of these people from its registers? If this happens
will it affect those family members who got Portuguese passport on the
criteria that the father's birth was registered in Portugal?
One awaits the outcome of this Constitutional problem.


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