On 18 September 2014 20:50, Domnic Fernandes <domval...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Lavy
> (Lavinho) Pinto was born in Nairobi, Kenya. His family hailed from Morodd,
> Mapusa. He grew
> up in the Dhobitalao area of South Bombay and studied at St. Xavier's
> School
> and College. He got married in St. Jerome/Our Lady of Miracles Church in
> Mapusa
> and went to Church in a horse carriage. He worked with Tatas and had his
> stints
> at the Taj Mahal Hotel and Air India, before moving to the US in 1969. He
> has five children: Leroy Pinto,
> Lindsey Pinto, Elizabeth Pinto, Lorne Pinto and Lesley Pinto. They reside
> in Chicago.
> When
> we talk of Goans who have enhanced the name of the state and country
> through
> their achievements in track and field athletics wearing an India vest, Lavy
> Pinto comes to mind.
> The
> pride of place will surely go to Lavy Pinto who for a number of years held
> the
> National Records for the 100 and 200 Metres and whose State Record, in both
> these events stood for a good many years. It was in 1951 that Lavy Pinto
> established
> a National record of 10.7 seconds. In 1953 he improved it to 10.6 seconds,
> it
> seemed then that there was a glued magic to the figure of 10.6 seconds,
> which
> had remained unbroken record for nearly twenty years. He also anchored the
> 4X100 relay quartet to silver.
> Moi-mogan,
> Domnic
> Fernandes
> Gaumvaddi,
> Anjuna
> Mob:
> 8805237604

QUESTION: Thank you for the info, could you please clarify if the distance
covered was Metres or Yards? When Seraphino Antao did the Gold Double in
Melbourne  it was in Yards.....if it was metres, then India broke away from
the Commonwealth distances of 1 mile 100 yards....see:-



Gabe Menezes.

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