Complaint to Goa Union of Journalists over denial of maternity leave to a
young woman employee in her last stage of pregnancy

Kishor Naik Gaonkar
President: Goa Union of Journalists.

Dear Kishor Naik Gaonkar

On Friday (October 31), via Facebook post I had written about a woman
employee at the Herald was denied maternity leave during her last stage of
pregnancy. I had also uploaded copies of communication between Herald's
Editor (Features) and the general manager Michael Pereira to corroborate
the content in the post.
This is an inhuman, debased action, which deserves sternest condemnation.
My request to you as an organisation which is supposed to look after the
welfare of the journalist community is to pursue the case to its logical
conclusion. As far as I know agencies like the state Human rights
commission, State Women's Commission, Labour department are the agencies
which need to be complained to. You could also verify if this amounts to a
criminal violation.
As a collective I am sure you better disposed to follow the complaint to
its logical conclusion.
Kindly treat this as a formal complaint from my end.
warm regards


Communication between Devika Sequiera and Michael Pereira

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Devika Sequeira <>
Date: 18 October 2014 11:58
Subject: Re: temporary replacement
To: GM Operations <>, Brand Mentor <>

Mr Michael Pereira
Herald Publications
Oct 18, 2014

Dear Mr Pereira

??????? has applied for leave without pay (since you insisted the
organisation does not have maternity leave) and followed all the official
procedures in consultation with the HR department who told her how to go
about taking leave for the delivery of her baby. Her application was sent
well on time.

Are you saying an employee who is about to deliver a child and is the last
stages of her pregnancy should come to office?

Your attitude is gendre-biased and shocking to say the least.

Devika Sequeira

On 18 October 2014 11:17, GM Operations <> wrote:
Dear Devika,

In the first instant our company does not have a provision for granting
maternity leave for long periods. It has never ever been granted to any one
in the past. Hence your approval for ?????? leave stands null and void.

Further more we are not in a position to provide any replacements for the
Review magazine at this moment.



On 17 October 2014 12:56, Devika Sequeira <> wrote:
GM, Herald Publications
Oct 17, 2014

Dear Michael,

You will recall Zarine Ahmed who used to work here earlier as a reporter/
features writer.
Zarine was a good reporter and diligent in her work but had to leave over
some health complications.
She is now much better and wants to return to work in the Herald and would
make a good temporary replacement for ?????? who is on maternity leave till
Zarine would like to join Herald Review from now till June after which she
wants to study for a year to do the BEd degree.
I hope you agree to take her on.



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