Perhaps, ducking the other relevant points on this matter, Mervyn Lobo
quoted the following from me to him:
6: Would you NOT like to base your judgement on ALL the facts of the case?

 Mervyn Lobo then responded thus:
Doc,Not one, but two of my favourite journalist in Goa have pass their
judgment on this case. Now they are doing what they do best i.e. reporting
it. My job (and yours?) is to give them moral support. Without that,
exploiters will carry on disregarding the law(s).


Mogal Mervyn,

Some years ago, based solely on newspaper reports, I joined many others and
rushed to judge the Goa College of Architecture chaps who were accused of

I was wrong and use this opportunity to, once again, remind myself that I
was wrong.....and never to do it again.

Since then, I absolutely refuse to carte blanche accept the words of
journos or anybody else without placing it through a sieve.

As far as I am concerned, I have NOT seen ALL the facts of this case. Until
I see them, IF I give any support to ANY side, it will hardly be
classifiable as MORAL.

You, Mayabhushan, Devika Sequeira, the ???? employee and the Herald are
welcome to enlighten us with the facts of this case:

1: What is the exact meaning of the term "the last stage of pregnancy"?

2: Was the Maternal Benefits Act (1961) violated?

3: Was legal opinion sought? Was the Herald taken to court for violation of
any statute?

4: If the DENIAL is not within 6 weeks of EDD (expected date of delivery),
was there a note from the young lady's obstetrician?

REPEAT: IF the young lady was legally eligible for maternity leave and was
denied that leave, The Herald better find a good lawyer and keep some funds
in escrow. The ones who made the decision also better look for another job
(if somebody will hire them)

The question of import is:  The expected date of delivery

PN: I am going to ignore the "Gender (Gendre) Bias" bit until you explain
to me if it is applicable in this case and why. Until that occurs, I will
consider it emotional exuberance.


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