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What the Goanet archives will show is that you are
lying through your teeth in denying your adverse
attitude towards homosexuality. If you are a
progressive, I must be a brahmachari. I hope Kevin
refutes your bogus accusations against him. From what
I have read, he believes in the immorality of
homosexuality as much as you believe in progressive



--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Santosh,
> I am only responding to this, because like you,
> other Goanetters may have missed the basis of my
> post.  It is wise as a scientist not to opine
> without knowing the facts.  As a doctor, looking a
> Past History is important.
> Please look up the Goanet archives for Kevin
> Saldanha's statements on homosexuality, in his home.
>  You will find the basis of my comment. It has
> nothing to do with my views on homosexuality, which
> are none to speak off. My comments have all to do
> with Kevin's inconsistencies and using it to smear
> KC.
> BTW, the topic of the thread is "Knight of Columbus"
> and Kevin's attack on it. Please do not try and
> change the subject, as you try to defend your
> anti-Catholic atheist friend. I know it is just your
> old trick.:=))) 
> On another, but related thread, I was amazed to see
> your response to Fred. Your clear division of Black
> and White (and Us against Them) makes you an
> ideologue (to avoid using any informatory term). You
> are not a middle of the road pragmatic, like most of
> us progressives.
> Kind Regards, GL

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