Dear Mr D'saYou appear to be having some problem with Mr Argham!Goanet is a 
forum for all Goans to Express their views and to keep in touch with each other 
 If you dont like or agree with what Mr Argham posts, you can either ignore it 
or give some positive criticism.  You state that Mr Argham continues to regale 
and confuse "US". You appear to be the only person on this forum who has a 
problem with what he posts. So he is not confusing "us". It may be confusing to 
you and It may be "garbage" to You but not to others, otherwise there would 
have been posts from others! You are entitled to read it as you see fit but 
please do stop ridiculing religion. Everyone is entitled to their views just 
like you are but one can either accept them or ignore them. If they (the views) 
were in any way offensive, I am sure the Goanet admin would not have posted 
them.Btw, we are all "traditional goans" that's why most of us are on Goanet. 
For your info Mr Adrham's posts are verses from the Bible. If they were in any 
way offensive, the Goanet admin would not publish his posts.I humbly request 
you to kindly refrain from ridiculing ither Mr Argham or the contents of his 
posts.I thank you in advance.Take Care and Be Safe.Sent from my Samsung Galaxy 
-------- Original message --------From: Eddie D'Sa <> Date: 
16/06/2020  15:17  (GMT+00:00) To: GoaNet <> Cc: Subject: [Goanet] All about the WORD Mr Argham continues to 
regale and confuse us with gems from his Bible, the alleged inspired word of 
the Christian God.Here are his recent quotes from John 1:1-4 & 14:1 In the 
beginning was the Word,  and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 He 
was in the beginning with God.3 All things came to be through him, and without 
him nothing came to be.4. What came to be through him was life,  and this life 
was the light of the human race;14 And the Word became flesh and  dwelt among 
us,...===============It reads like a lot of garbage and Mr Argham does not 
elucidate. When a message is posted, it is meant to educate, enlighten, 
edify.But Mr Argham does not explain. Perhaps as a traditional Goan, he fears 
to offend the Euro clerics who composed & authorised the text.So what to do? He 
could ask a knowledgeable person, perhaps a senior local cleric. How about 
Goa’s good Bishop? Will he engage with mere laymen?More than once, I had tried 
to elicit some comment and had copied a post to the Bishop. HE never 
responded.May be he fears he cannot offer his own views without consulting the 
Vatican.I am trying again.So dear Archbishop (or your assistant), could you 
kindly explain the four above verses?EddieSent from 
Mail<> for Windows 10

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