The simple explanation is that God wanted to confuse us all. If he sent us 
clear and simple messages would he have need of people to explain his mind. 

That goes for all Abrahamic scriptures. You can have a few laughs if you watch 
episodes from Zakir Naik explaining the Quran to questioning ‘kaffirs’ at his 
mass meetings, now only outside India since he is wanted there for money 
laundering, whipping communal passions and supporting terrorism.

Not that I would put too much stock in the credibility of the current Indian 
government who will arrest you on trumped up charges for the slightest reason 
if you say something critical of them, free speech notwithstanding.


> On Jun 16, 2020, at 8:51 AM, Eddie D'Sa <> wrote:
> Mr Argham continues to regale and confuse us with gems from his Bible, the 
> alleged inspired word of the Christian God.
> Here are his recent quotes from John 1:1-4 & 14:
> 1 In the beginning was the Word,  and the Word was with God, and the Word was 
> God.
> 2 He was in the beginning with God.
> 3 All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be.
> 4. What came to be through him was life,  and this life was the light of the 
> human race;
> 14 And the Word became flesh and  dwelt among us,...
> ===============
> It reads like a lot of garbage and Mr Argham does not elucidate. When a 
> message is posted, it is meant to educate, enlighten, edify.
> But Mr Argham does not explain. Perhaps as a traditional Goan, he fears to 
> offend the Euro clerics who composed & authorised the text.
> So what to do? He could ask a knowledgeable person, perhaps a senior local 
> cleric. How about Goa’s good Bishop? Will he engage with mere laymen?
> More than once, I had tried to elicit some comment and had copied a post to 
> the Bishop. HE never responded.
> May be he fears he cannot offer his own views without consulting the Vatican.
> I am trying again.
> So dear Archbishop (or your assistant), could you kindly explain the four 
> above verses?
> Eddie
> Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

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