Christianity is based on love and not pomp. God chose simple people to convey 
his message. We have Moses, Abraham, Jeremias, and others chosen by God. He did 
not choose the Pharises and the scribes. Because their head were pointed to the 
sky. God finally decided to come down into this world as a human being. The 
word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us. Being God He could have selected a 
castle, a palace or something greater than that. He chose a stable and was born 
with animals. he died on the cross like a thief and died with the thieves. The 
worse form of death the son of man could have.had. Let us reflect the birth of 
Jesus. God has shown us by the birth of Jesus that we should be born as low as 
possible.You should be a simple down to earth person without pomp and glory. We 
should not seek Glory ourselves. If we do seek glory ourselves it is worldly 
glorly and like all earthly things it will decompose. We have the three kings 
or three wise men who brought things which is given to the king only. They 
accepted Jesus as the Lord. With this God is trying to tell us that even if you 
are born in a stable if God wants He will raise you .God raised Jesus from the 
stable and made him the king of the universe. God glorified Jesus. We know that 
when Jesus was born the angels were singing Glory to God in the Highest. God 
with this,- glorified Jesus, Today God with His glory will glorify us according 
to His plans. Jesus was given a cross.He took the cross and kissed it. By 
kissing the cross Jesus accepted the sufferings that came from above. He did 
not run away from the cross. When Jesus was about to suffer he went and prayed. 
Many times we forget to pray and groan in misseries. The cross becomes very 
heavy and tend to fall because we have forgotten one thing to pray to God. He 
is Our beloved Father who loves us but He will never force His will on us but 
has given freedom and free will. He will help us only when we ask Him to help 
us. Sometimes we drift without reaching the shores because we want to hold the 
oars even if we do not know to row and find that the waters are too deep, and 
rough and we then shout out "We are sinking, save us " If you feel ashamed to 
shout out to the Lord, it is your dooms day. Sometimes the earthly riches, 
false wisdom, and pride makes us think we have the power to row our boat in the 
rough weather and due to thisthoughts our boat hits the rock and is broken into 
several pieces and we are in the midst of a rough see and no land to see on 
either side. Amen
Praise the Lord
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