Dear Friends
Jesus always spoke with confidence. He spoke with power. He spoke with love.All 
the three he inherited from God HIs Father.It was not earthly power which can 
decompose, but it was eternal power. Who can say this "I am the truth the way 
and the life whoever comes to me will be saved. If you want to come to my 
Father you have to come to me. I and the Father are one. " Foolish are we not 
to go to Jesus. Foolish are we to dream that we can go to the Father without 
Jesus. Foolish are we who use earthly yardstick to measure the property in 
heaven. Foolish are we not to hear the voice of our shepherd. Jesus says the 
sheep can hear the voice of their master and recognise it. Are we sure of the 
property of heaven which is promised to us by God ? Are you sure of inheritance 
of the kingdom of God promised to us by God himself through Jesus ? I do not 
think we are sure. When Moses saw the people worship the pagan god he was very 
we are still in the midst of paganism and false belief. we still do not have 
the proper knowledge of the bible and what it contains .We have not learnt to 
use the bible and make it part of our life. we have not learnt to hug our 
brothers and sisters and call them their own. we have not learnt to forget 
about the colour and creed and call each one our brothers andsisters. Jesus has 
just given us one commandment and that is love God with our whole heart not 
lips, and love one another as I have loved you.
what a glorious commandment that is but very difficult to follow in practical 
because we are too selfish with ourselves
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