Albert, for GOD's sake, why have you broken the new rule? Everyone accepts that 
you have an inalienable right to post here, flounce & pounce about, write all 
you want about your religion, even bore us with repetition, day in & day out.
  What IS your version of paganism?  Its someone's faith you are demeaning yet 
again.  You must please stop harrassing and angering posters on this forum. My 
faith is MY faith, not for you to condemn with a few throw-away lines.
  YOU are a Catholic and that is fine, I dont feel compelled to down-grade your 
faith, it is not my business, it is YOUR BUSINESS and if you wish to spout all 
that the OLD testament says (with some wishy-washy NEW testament verse this and 
verse that), then ok, that is fine, but DONT continue to rile people by calling 
them names.
  Your interpretation is also questionable but I am happy to read it, as a 
fictional account.  I cannot for the life of me understand why a sensible man 
with much to say, continues to denegrade other people's faiths.
  IF I ever stop posting on this forum it will be to get away from you and your 
constant harranging of my faith. I am NOT a Muslim (many posters on this forum 
are), I am not a Budhist! I am not an Agnostic, I am not an Atheist. but in 
your eyes anyone who is not a CATHOLIC is damned by your God, I am NOY a Pagan, 
this is also a religion (Wicca), but I am NOT a practicing Pagan either, nor 
are the Muslim brothers and sisters on this forum "pagans", the Budhists are 
Hindus are NOT PAGANS either!
  Get yourself sorted out please.  You were doing so wonderfully yesterday, 
when you concentrated on YOUR religion only!  It really is NOT NECESSARY to 
demean others' religions so we all feel disinfranchised by you saying you have 
the only way to God. 
  There are enough organised religions out there which condemn all other faiths 
as being "pagan" or in league with the devil.  If you took some time and delved 
into the religions you will see them for what they are.  But if you have NO 
knowledge of other faiths, then keep your trap firmly shut, please???
  You do contradict yourself, you said that ............we have not learned to 
forget peoples colour & creed................. well?  Creed is religion, you 
forgot, not I............!!
  John Monteiro
  Berkshire, England
..............Who can say this "I am the truth the way and the life whoever 
comes to me will be saved. If you want to come to my Father you have to come to 
me. I and the Father are one. " Foolish are we not to go to Jesus....... we are 
still in the midst of paganism and false belief. we still do not have the 
proper knowledge of the bible and what it contains.....we have not learnt to 
forget about the colour and creed and call each one our brothers practical because we are too selfish with ourselves

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