> From: " J. Cola?o < jc> " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests
>       (Vidyaghar)

> On 12/11/2007, Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted the following:
> VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests in Maharashtra
 > Mumbai: With broken ribs and a fractured leg, Father Victor
Pareira is
> just one of the 25 victims, who were brutally beaten up allegedly by
> members of Vanvasi Kalyan Parishad, an oraganisation affiliated to the
> VHP.

> jc's comment:
> I fail to fathom Vidyaghar's primary purpose of reposting the above
> quoted item - that too, without even bothering to analyse the story.

I am not aware that this was a reposting, I am unable to find an
earlier post on this, maybe I missed it. Would just like to
mention that since I subscribe to the digest version, I get
messages a little late, so there may be some duplicate posting,
for which my apologies.

> I do not believe that there were 25 priests in one village in
> Maharashtra at one time - unless they were there for a convention.

The article doesn't say there were 25 priests; it mentions only
one priest, Fr. Victor Pareira.

A similar article also appeared in Herald on 11th --

> IMHO many of Vidyaghar's postings on GoaNet are as unreasonably and
> unnecessarily biased as Bhandare and Rajan's.

Well, I post articles etc. that interest me and that I feel may be
of interest to other goanetters (note that the article above is
from CNN/IBN, not written by me). Any view is necessarily 'biased'
-- 'objectivity' is a myth, and any process of selection perforce
indicates a 'bias'. I am sure jc is not himself claiming to be
'objective' and 'unbiased'. All one can do is try to present facts
to buttress one's viewpoints.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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