> From: Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] VHP goons allegedly beat up 25 priests (Vidyaghar)

> Even though the article mentions only one priest, did
> our resident comrade type in 25 priests in the title
> for the extra effect? does that mean he is a liar?

Instead of making frivolous allegations about my making up
headlines, all you had to do was click on the link supplied when
the article was first posted:


More detailed articles giving information on this and related
incidents are available at:

CNN/IBN does seem to have goofed on its headline, though, as in
none of the articles could I find information on 25 priests, only
information about a persistent series of attacks by VHP elements
on Christian tribals in remote parts of Thane district.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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