--- Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -- 'objectivity' is a myth, and any process of
> selection perforce
> indicates a 'bias'. I am sure jc is not himself
> claiming to be
> 'objective' and 'unbiased'. All one can do is try to
> present facts to buttress one's viewpoints.

It is hard to be objective about personal and
emotional matters. But objectivity is not a myth.
There is a real world out there that can be observed.
Multiple observers can independently arrive at the
same conclusion. Facts can be presented in an unbiased
manner without regard to a preconceived viewpoint or
ideology. Indeed, facts by definition are objective
facts. The very fact that they can be selected as
independent tokens to suit a particular viewpoint
attests to their objectivity - their independence from
the subjective viewpoint.

On the flip side, it used to be thought that
subjectivity was a myth. But we are now beginning to
understand its physical basis based on objective
evidence. The day is not far when we would be able to
make objective instrumental observations (by which I
mean multiple observers would independently arrive at
the same conclusion) and quantitative measurements on
subjective content. 

It is becoming increasingly clear that both objective
and subjective worlds are real. The only difference
between the two is that while the former can exist
independently of the latter, the converse is not true.
Subjectivity is born of a pre-existing objective
world, and perishes with the part of the objective
world that gives rise to it.



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