I disagree with Anand here. I think there is pretty
even balance on Goanet between posts that are
anti-Hindu, anti-Christian, anti-Muslim,
anti-non-Goan, anti-Indian, anti-Portuguese,
anti-western, anti-science, anti-establishment, etc.
That is how it should be in a secular public forum.



--- anand virgincar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Agree entirely . In fact , I have spent the last
>   few days scouring through the archives of Goanet ,
>   particularly the " religious " postings which I
> had
>   ignored previously . The hatred against the BJP
>   and RSS is fine with me , but I am apalled at the
>   disgraceful and dishonest attacks against Hindu's
>   and Hinduism which are stored away within the
>   bowels of Goanet archives.

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