----- Original Message ----- From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The Migrant Danger to Goa

This would not be enough. The following additional
prescriptions would be needed:

g) Amend the constitution of India to grant an
exclusive and special status for Goa because of some
valid reason, such as the cultural superiority of its

fc: Too much hassle with raucous Indian MPs disrupting parliament. A bagfull of Goan terminators (read vavoi ) will do the necessary work on the Constitution. Then we can draft a new one with mandatory public hearings. Menezes Braganza hall management will be laughing all the way to the bank. :-)

h) If other states do not ratify this amendment, let
the Goan state secede from India and become an
independent nation.

fc: No constitution, we get out. Besides, Goan Paklo in New Jersey will be having a 21st century fire-works show.

i) Ban marriages between Goans and non-Goans

fc: If Goa need one more avenue to increase corruption. A non-goan becomes a goan is a better way to fight corruption.

j) Amend inheritance laws to prevent foreign children
and descendants of Goans from inheriting ancestral

fc: I oppose this with a black flag. I have left everything I have, including my 1975 scooter to my grandson who is Austrian.

k) Frame the constitution of the independent Goa in
such a way as to disallow any form of legal
immigration of non-Goans or foreign descendants of
Goan ancestors.

fc: I oppose this with a amber flag. Goa shud have no constitution. We need to be modern, free for all country.

l) Build a fence around Goa to prevent illegal

fc: I shall wave a green flag provided I get the contract to build it. I am a builder.

m) Prosecute people who employ illegal aliens.

fc: Can you see the black flag? Impossible. I will need entire Karnataka to build that wall. How else can I take the contract?

n) To preserve Goan identity, legally ban all
religious conversions, perpetuate the caste system,
prevent Goans from adopting the ways of other
cultures, ban foreign companies from setting up shop
in Goa, and make strict laws against all forms of
modernization that involve infusion of foreign
practices in Goan affairs.

fc: With no constitution, let us wipe goa clean of all religions and make it religionless or (AGNOSTIC). Naturally, all religious professionals will be unemployed. Therefore let them use the open door policy to migrate anywhere and everywhere to look for work. Then we shall have no need for PIs like Manjunath Dessai to create communal strife like in Ponda recently. I think Vatican will have to be expanded :-)

> I am sure there are many other measures that need to
be adopted as well.

fc: When you coin them up, let me know.

fc: Have fun

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