Rajan Parrikar wrote: As you can see, the Comrade is still holding on
to his tool and "thoughts" are still oozing from it.

Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Why is everyone so hot and
bothered and disgusted about a common tool usage as described by
Rajan?    Are these innocents proclaiming that they have NEVER
participated in such a  "disgusting" act?

Cornel da Costa wrote: I find Rajan's material disgusting in the extreme.


Dear  Chris,

I agree with the position taken by you - absolutely.

I believe that Rajan Parrikar did not introduce the word "tool" into
our discussion.  So, I suppose then that he is guilty for the use of
the word "thoughts".

I also believe that those who choose to "cast the stone" at Rajan for
his rather "Calypso" use of his words - must proclaim ..."Oh My God! I
am having Byad Totts"  Kumsarak Voss.

As the great Velim-based philosopher Xri Kon Fucius would have said:
He who sees filth in another's non-malicious words must first clean
his own specs.

Wake up guys.....there are major problems in Goa. let's not get all
worked up about a few cleverly placed words.


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