Goanet started out as an un-moderated forum.
All topics that were interesting to members were discussed, without any 
restrictions. When a member got out of hand, other members would write to the 
offending party informing him so.
About ten years ago, someone made a post exactly the same as Rajans post of 
yesterday. People complained that their children were reading Goanet and they 
did not want their kids to be exposed to senseless and disgusting posts. At the 
time, a member wrote to us saying that the person who sent in the offending 
post had previously suffered a nervous break down and was known to have stress 
problems. Because of this, moderators were introduced to Goanet.
It seems that the 'moderation' has come a full circle. 
Yesterday we read the exact same post that made Goanet a "moderated' forum. 
The 'moderators' deemed the disgusting post as being worthy of Goanet. Rajan 
Parrikar's replied to an excellent post using the most coarse of thoughts. Is 
this the type of behaviour we want to cultivate on Goanet? Is this the type 
of forum we want to build?
Lets take this one step further.
After I protested to Rajan, I got a reply that cannot be reproduced here. 
Someone else also sent us a private email saying that he too got an email from 
Rjan with the same language. Miguel Braganza reports that he was verbally 
abused by Rajan in Panaji because of Miguel's protest on the same vulguar post.
Look at the post below. Not only is Rajan unrepentant about his post, he is 
now gloating, adding more of the same disgusting thoughts. This has to be 
stopped (somewhere). I have tried asking the offending party to stop but he 
refuses to do so. I ask all the moderators to take their responsibilities more 
seriously when deciding if such posts are acceptable to this community or not.  
Either that or we will see Goanet stoop to the level of the gutter. 

Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:
To Goanet -

Mervyn Lobo:
>I find it DISGUSTING...
Cornel Dacosta:
>I find Rajan's material disgusting in the extreme.

I aim to please.

Miguel Braganza:

It doesn't blow?  You must be a disappointed man.

Warm regards,


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