To begin with if saraswats were croocked, it has been recorded by others.
Has anyone recorded crookedness of tribal societies?
If there is no mention of that in saraswat web site, neither have i read
colaco bad mouthing his ancesters. If one were to take colaco's word on his
ancestors they were washed in milk (dood ke dhule)- as they say in Hindi.
colaco is pretty good in badmouthing saraswats - badmouthing, because there
is more emotion and less thinking.
I am sorry for colaco, hes talents are wasted - he would have made a very
successful Nazi propagandist.
I do buy Marxist history, but not Marxist fables and tales of noble tribal
societies - on the contrary in a tribal setting you never knew when you were
going to have your next meal, or you would be the next meal! When Marxist
talk of primitive communism of tribal societies and archiving mature
communism through class action, I think of an insecure adult trying to get
back the security of his mother's womb.
About goan Khazana lands:
1) Look any where in India, prehistoric paddy fields do not have regular
geometry, unlike in goa.
2) In goa, particularly around Verna, paddy field bund are arrow straight
for more than 2200 feet.
3) I presume there were no harvesters or transplanting machines in goa 3000
years ago. I am just assuming this. Correct me if I am wrong. So there was
no need for straight lines
4) It is irrational to have them straight, makes no economic sense. It is
very much less labour consuming to stick to contours - which are not in
straight lines. Making bunds in arrow straight line means lot of excavation
of earth and lots of filling with no economic advantage at all. Did they
have 21st century tourists in mind? Further, though paddy field bund were
arrow straight for over 2200 feet, individual paddy fields of goa are tiny
compared to other parts of India (excluding hilly regions - for obvious
reasons), making it difficult to use even a pair of bullocks for paddy
cultivation work.
5) Such gigantic geometry means large scale organisation and high
agricultural surplus.
6) How there can be agricultural surplus before paddy fields in Khazana
lands (which were most fertile of goan lands) were developed - basic theory
in economics says that most fertile lands are taken up for agriculture
7) Why would any local would venture into such a wasteful labour, even if he
had the technology and the resources. Having resources is very unlikely as
any large agricultural  surplus would have been utilised into building
cities. Everywhere in the world, large agricultural surpluses automatically
created cities.
8) I read somewhere that paddy fields of goa have Mesopotamian measurement.
9) My hypothesis is that powerful/ rich people from Mesopotamia or Indus
Vally colonized goa and used either imported labour or local labour - by
paying or by coercion and built the taj mahals of goa.
10) The idea of goan paddy fields is from a city - compare arrow straight
roads of Indus Vally.
11) The surplus could also be from trading from the goan ports - which is a
remote possibility - as there are no large pre-historic cities in goa.


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