Interesting stuff from Kamath,

My sub-harijan ancestors 'washed in milk'?. Now ....that would really
qualify for Nazi propaganda. WHO washed them ....the Saraswats?

What is Kamath also saying? that the khazan stuff in Carambolim was
organised by those chaps who later became Zonncars of Carambolim?

Does he have any proof?

Hypothesis is fine ..... but can Kamath find any proof?


aka sub-kunbi zuze


2008/9/12 U P Kamath [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1: To begin with if saraswats were croocked, it has been recorded by
others. Has anyone recorded crookedness of tribal societies?

2: If there is no mention of that in saraswat web site, neither have i
read colaco bad mouthing his ancesters.

3: If one were to take colaco's word on his ancestors they were washed
in milk (dood ke dhule)- as they say in Hindi.

4: colaco is pretty good in badmouthing saraswats - badmouthing,
because there is more emotion and less thinking.

5: I am sorry for colaco, hes talents are wasted - he would have made
a very successful Nazi propagandist.

6: I read somewhere that paddy fields of goa have Mesopotamian measurement.

9: My hypothesis is that powerful/ rich people from Mesopotamia or
Indus Vally colonized goa and used either imported labour or local

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