--- On Wed, 9/24/08, Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Dr. Santosh....Fr. Ivo... Dr. Joe... & sundry
> others...
> What is this that follows below, my dears???
> Urban or divine legend???????
> Please kindly...mercifully advise ...& lovingly
> oblige....


This piece is legit for the most part. The higher authority of President Leo 
does not need to be consulted to explain it. The only part that is speculative 
and controversial is the following:

> Now, if you look at the mind, consciousness, and the brain,
> the assumption that the mind and brain are the same thing is
> fine for most circumstances, because in 99% of circumstances
> we can't separate the mind and brain; they work at the
> exactly the same time. But then there are certain extreme
> examples, like when the brain shuts down, that we see that
> this assumption may no longer seem to hold true. So a new
> science is needed in the same way that we had to have a new
> quantum physics. The CERN particle accelerator may take us
> back to our roots. It may take us back to the first moments
> after the Big Bang, the very beginning. With our study, for
> the first time, we have the technology and the means to be
> able to investigate this. To see what happens at the end for
> us. Does something continue? 

Nobody has ruled out the very real possibility that parts of the brain remain 
electrically active for variable amounts of time in the absence of continuous 
and steady supply of blood. This is the most parsimonious explanation for near 
death experiences. 



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