From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fr. Ivo wrote:

Your "scientific method" cannot be used, as you only admit. Even now I
>cannot understand "your method" for such cases. About your "scientific
>method", it is the method to be used for common clinical cases.

The barrage of posts that Fr. Ivo has unleashed on this forum are doing
serious damage to the cause of scientific literacy.
***Wrong. You cannot make gratuitous, 'non-scientific" affirmations. You do
not understand
what you are talking about. I am sorry to say. You do not understand your
own scientific principles.
You gave the "pertinent quote from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences,
one of the world's most respected scientific organizations, in this regard:
'Science is a way of knowing about the natural world. It is limited to
explaining the natural world through natural causes.
Science can say nothing about the supernatural.'
I do agree totally with this statement. But you do not know
what is the meaning of this quote. You are misunderstanding
it, as you misunderstood the statements of the Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor,
Archbishop of Westminster, and
reduced him to an atheist and agnostic...
Let it be clear: Science can say nothing on the existence of God, Trinity,
Resurrection of Jesus, miracles, visions and apparitions, incarnation and reincarnation, soul. The reason is that Science deals with natural phenomena. The supernatural events which take place in history can be documented by historical-scientific evidence. Their interpretation, however, is left to theology.

He does not understand
the simple fact that science has nothing to do with his religion or
anybody else's religion. The amount of mangling and mixing of science he
has done with his own theology and religious beliefs is simply
***Also wrong, as it is clear from what precedes. Theology works together with modern sciences, empirical,
social, historical, archaeological.
It is wrong to say that Science has nothing to do with Religion. Science
cannot have a say on "supernatural", by the simple fact that empirical
Science deals with natural phenomena. It has no say about Reincarnation,
Resurrection, existence of God, miracles. Its role will be to analyse the
circumstances of time and space, like history, archaeology, scientific
tests, DNA test. There is no conflict between Science and Religion.

The one saving grace is that he has finally admitted (see above) that he
does not understand the scientific method.
***Again wrong. He is truncating my thought and misunderstanding me. See the
text and the context.
"Your 'scientific method' cannot be used, as you only
admit". I am speaking of the double-blind procedure, which cannot be used
for rare, extraordinary cases, like miracles. A case of Eucharistic
miracles, for example, cannot be tested by this method. I do not know
whether the scientist understands this.
Then I said: "Even now I cannot
understand 'your method' for these cases": I did not say that I do not
understand 'scientific method', which we have studied already in the initial
classes of Science, but "even now I cannot understand this method being used
for such cases".
I repeat: It cannot be used for these cases. There are other
scientific methods, where there is also observation, classification, verification,
prediction, which will vary for miraculous cases. Only rarely there are
changes of white host into "Flesh and Blood". In the history there are
already 126 Eucharistic miracles at various times and places. In all cases
scientific tests have been conducted. If we compare them, in all these cases
there is a change from host to flesh and blood.

That is why he will never be
able to comprehend such things as how the shroud of Turin has been
demonstrated to be a 13th century fabrication,
***It is scientifically wrong to say that the Shroud of Turin has been
demonstrated to be a 13th century fabrication.
It cannot be. It is coming from the first century: I shall mention scientific tests
and historical proof in another posting.

or the fact that he is
doing a disservice to science and to the scientific community by using
scientific ignorance rather than pure faith as a prop to validate his
particular supernatural beliefs.
***This is completely wrong. Dr.Santosh is living in his scientific ivory
tower. By going outside his competence, as it is clear from the quote above,
Dr.Santosh is doing disservice to
Science and to the progress of humankind.

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