Hi Mervyn,
Goanet moderators advise posters who aim to be amusing to use a smiley :=)).  I 
do not see that in your alleged non-provocative posts that you label as 
"amusing +/- having crossed the line".
As far as Goan posts without the :=)) being amusing, I assumed that the author 
of those post was a 'Goan on steroids'.:=))  If one retorts with similar words 
/ explanation, then he / she needs a screw-driver to adjust their 'humor 
This advice is also directed to some posters who have a compulsory need to 
respond to  posts which they imagine is directed to them. The good news is 
their reply suggest they took the message personally.
I like your idea of 'special treatment' to the "serial offenders".  Can you 
imagine the poor moderators have to repeatedly read their posts?  I can only 
call that pirachit / penance.  No wonder the moderators get a 'thought block' 
and cannot respond with a one-liner. Likely the moderators go for the feni or 
scotch after reading those posts.  
Glad none of the 'sensitive' posters, on receiving the many rejections of 
inappropriate posts, have not resorted to something more drastic; like - taking 
a bucket of cold water and dipping their head three times and taking it out 
twice.:=)). Looking at the support the disgruntled posters received, it appears 
they are not getting much credibility. Yet, they have only themselves to blame. 
For a time, they felt they were making cumulative headway. But their 
difficult-to-prove stories was their undoing, in addition to their 
suggestion that they were 'God's gift to Goanet' - which they may be.:=))
Regards, GL
----------------- Mervyn Lobo 
I am on Goanet for only one reason: To learn. I think that life is to short to 
go around antagonizing people. I certainly do not want to be a provoker. May be 
in trying to amuse, I have crossed the line. However, I think people would 
inform me when that happens.
There are serial / repeat offenders here. All you have to do is tell them to 
clean up 
their act or the moderators will do so. It is a pity that three or four posters 
have to 
consume most of the moderators time.
------------------ Bosco wrote:
Question: Are you implying that you do not write to Goanet to antagonize 
and provoke fellow Goanetters?

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