Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 22:47:34 -0400
From: "Bosco - Goanet Volunteer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You were not advised to "send YOUR questions to the Goanet moderators" as 
much as you would like others to believe. You were told to direct your 
questions to Goanet Admin. Simple as  that!
Mario responds:
Thanks to Bosco for clearing up the difference between Goanet moderators and 
Goanet Administrators.
I'm not sure what all the sturm and drang is about when all we had asked for 
was for the moderators to identify themselves and explain why they are 
rejecting a post.
I would like everyone to know that Bosco has begun to do so, so it looks like 
the storm has passed.  In two instances recently, in a couple of sentences he 
explained exactly why my post was being rejected and I was able to then decide 
whether to edit and resubmit or withdraw.  In one case I withdrew, in another I 
edited and resubmitted.
Now lets hope the other moderators will follow his example.

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