Mario wrote:
> >
> Future US President Bobby Jindal was also scheduled to speak at the
> convention and cancelled for the same reason.
> >
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 18:56:19 +0100
From: "Gabe Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Not that long ago this is what the man wrote:-
''In this case all bets are off on the economy, until Sarah Palin and
Bobby Jindal are elected in 2012 and return sanity to the US
Now is it any wonder that no one takes this man seriously?
The man was so sure that Palin will become a President and Jindal her
Vice President, i.e. McCain would win the coming Elections....
Mario responds:
Hey, Gabe, I know I was born at night, but not last night:-))
I think you would be much better off to just watch and learn what is going on 
in the US and try to understand what is said before barging into a discussion.  
If you want to twist what was written in a post, you should try your bloody 
luck with someone else to avoid unnecessary embarrassment.
If you keep trying so hard to barge into discussions without understanding what 
is going on, then deliberately omit an entire opening sentence in a paragraph, 
then falsely interpreting the remaining sentence, no one will take you 
The context of my quoted comment above was if Obama would win the US presidency 
this year, not McCain as you falsely allege.  Here is my complete paragraph, 
without any scurrilous deletions:
"However, if Barack Obama wins the presidency, and the Democrats also retain 
control of both the US House and Senate as they might, we will experience the 
dreaded Perfect Storm in US governance.  In this case all bets are off on the 
economy, until Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal are elected in 2012 and return 
sanity to the US administration." 
Folks, we can plainly see that Gabe tried to twist this to say that I said 
McCain and Palin were going to win "the coming Elections...".  If I was certain 
that McCain and Palin were going to win this year why would I say that Palin 
and Jindal would return sanity to the US administration in the next election in 
2012?  It would obviously already be sane, in my opinion!
Which is more than I can say for some of our less knowledgeable posters:-))

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