Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 11:57:24 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" <>

You had no answer(s) to my responses to Goanet. 

Mario responds:

Dr. Barad,

Your responses on this topic on Goanet have been nothing but codswallop.

As anyone can see from the following post by Selma and your response, you 
clearly caught the bull by the tail and went off on a tangent.  You still don't 
seem to understand a) the Supreme Court ruling on Orissa, b) someone trying to 
convert others by force which n one has any right to do, and c) the freedom of 
Indians to voluntarily change their religion which the SC ruling did not even 

Selma's initial post:

Dr. Barad catching the bull by the tail:

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