Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 08:36:52 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" <>

After all his postings on this subject I see Mario Goveia running away!!!

Mario responds:

Dr. Barad,

We have already established that you often do not understand what is being 
written in a thread before you respond, sometimes with unbelievable codswallop, 
as you did in wrongly citing a Supreme Court decision that did not even support 
your case.  

Thus, you can continue to bury your head in the sand but you cannot escape the 
fact that you did not understand what Selma had written in her original post in 
this thread, which I have explained in the following post:

Now you are reduced to responding to my specific explanations with vapid 
generalities which make no sense and do not address either the topic or the 
specific points raised in a post you are responding to.  You have become like a 
stuck record on this thread.

Dr. Barad wrote:

YOU, including some others think that GOANET is meant only for Goan CHRISTIANS 
or for those with Christian identity.

Mario responds:

More codswallop from Dr. Barad.  I have been as objective in responding to 
those with Christian surnames as I have been with anyone else and I never 
distinguish anyone by their caste or creed.  I doubt Dr. Barad, or anyone else 
for that matter, can cite any examples where I have suggested that Goanet is 
meant only for Christians or for those with a Christian identity or cite a post 
where I have shown any bias in favor of someone who may be a Christian.  Just 
ask Marshall, Gilbert, Selma, Edward, Morris and a host of others too numerous 
to be listed here:-))  However, I think what we will see from Dr. Barad is more 
smoke and mirrors to create the appearance that he knows what he is talking 

In fact, I was one of the few defenders of Sonal Shah when a small cabal began 
to slander her without any evidence to support their allegations, even though 
she is my political adversary in the US.  I have also repeatedly advocated that 
Christians who are found to have forced anyone to convert against their will be 
prosecuted to the full extent of the law and have described the Crusaders and 
perpetrators of the Inquisition as Christian-fascists on par with Al Qaeda and 
other radical Muslims who use force in the name of religion.

Dr. Barad wrote:

Don't run away from Goanet for you have to answer queries that follow your 

Mario responds:

You must be the only one on Goanet who thinks I run away from anything.

I'm sure any one of the Goanet moderators will confirm that THEY wish I would 
run away more often:-))

This is yet another example where we see evidence that Dr. Barad is either 
unable to understand what is going on on Goanet - especially how often I post, 
what I write and to whom, and he is also unable to refer to the archives to see 
how ridiculous his comment above must seem to everyone else, who have often 
joined the moderators in suggesting that I should "run away" more often:-))

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