Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 13:00:51 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" <>

I suspect from your using the word - codswallop - that you are a member of
Wikipedia trying to define codswallop or your are trying to divert the
attention of Goans to Wikipedia or you are deliberately using this word for
you have no answer to my questions / responses. 

Mario observes:

I am not a member of Wikipedia.  However, here is what the Merriam-Webster 
Dictionary has to say:

The meaning of codswallop is NONSENSE.

Since you have caught the bull by the tail in your response to Selma's 
hypothesis that Indians must have the right to voluntarily change their 
religion, until you understand the content of the discussion, whatever else you 
write in this thread does not address the topic Selma started. 

Now, if you want to start a new topic on the right of Indians to convert  
others, I will be glad to respond to what you write, if I choose to.

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