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RE: Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 62
Reply to Albert D'Souza - Topic # 1

I was watching on BBC news channel yesterday evening program "Heart Of 
I was convinced with the reply from My Muslim Brother so called suspected 
He said every person who converts and becomes Muslim should fight in Islam 
Ala..... he is right and that is what I see in day to day life.
Your article is really an spirit filled.  Using but... means, is a form of 
to the mind that you try to make it clear from your end.
It's a blessing that you took passage 'The Walk to Emmaus' Jesus was 
from their eyes because His mission of just suffered was not complete.  I would 
to my old age parents and say if they would know the complete meaning of Holy 
than I would not work here on foreign land same as like them daily church 
By now I would be killed like Jesus or Just the way Jesus(young and raw blood) 
started His mission from than He was targeted.  It should be THE CROSS and not 
cross.  Yes, if someone hit that mud statue on my head than gathered mud will 
spread over and I'll be injured too.  Contrary, if you are a working person 
than let 
me ask you one thing.  If your superior is very angry What do you see in his 
expression?  Peace?  Fools are bowing before the unknown statues.  It is 
what you see through that picture/statue is total surrender in worship.

Jesus was walking with them but they didn't recognize Him(Idol fellowship). 
breaking the bread they recognize Him (Jesus leaves behind in His Memorial - 
Eucharist John:6:25... - shall I call Idol Worship?) .  You and I are missing 
everything here and biting the bush around.  Attending every Holy Mass is 
walk to Calvary.  There were many people including John (only disciple not all) 
watching the event of crucifixion while Jesus was suffering yet no one 
except Satan.  Please explain or give the measurement of the level you know 
Christian Faith.  Regardless of religion.  Yes, I strongly support you that I 
am a 
pagan but, talking this very topic shows that how wide pagans we Christians 
are.  We 
see on this site different articles were our brothers are corresponding but 
dare to speak with the scriptures.  Lets also keep in mind that our ancestors 
converted into Christianity because Faith in Jesus was preached/told by 
people.  Today we recognize them Saints and because of their message our 
changed.  And these people so called Saints were mainly from Europe.  TODAY.  
We are 
called to be prepared to send the evangelists from India to Europe to give the 
message of Christ Jesus against their Secularization.  You my friends, who are 
earning your daily bread in Europe.  I feel of you in my deep prayers, no more 
keep on celebrating of the Saints because they are always celebrating day and 
around heavenly throne of the Lamb.  But, get up and take the Holy Word and 
It's very easy to convince the shallow faith Catholic and dress him/her as 
believer but we may even cost our life to convert one non Christian.  Make sure 
Traditions and Scriptures go hand in hand.  Than only we will able to 
that the Holy word speaking to us.

God Bless. 

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